代理记帐,Keeping records
1)Keeping records代理记帐

1.Advantage and Disadvantage of Keeping Records by Agent and Trend of the Agency Company;企业代理记帐的利弊及代帐公司发展趋势
2.The Norm Acted for the Open Account and Enhanced Accountancy s Order Against the Financial Risk;规范代理记帐 强化会计秩序 防范金融风险
3.Acting accounting operations; Commodity information advice, business advisory services (excluding provisions for control of national policy, the franchise project).代理记帐业务;商品信息咨询、企业咨询服务(不含国家政策规定的专控、专营项目)。
4.Recording documents: The documents which prove the responsibilities of the person handling accounting events and which serve as the basis of account keeping.二记帐凭证:证明处理会计事项人员之责任,而为记帐所根据之凭证。
5.In a small establishment, the manager may take care of the bookkeeping himself.小旅馆可能由经理亲自记帐。
6."This results in this sum in Canadian dollars being credited to clearing bank's account with a correspondent bank in Canada,"其结果是,这笔加元被贷记清算银行在加拿大代理行所开立的帐户上,
7.The left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger where bookkeeping entries are made.记入簿记帐目的帐簿或分类帐的左方.
8.Kano School and Flower and Bird Paintings of Song Dynasty in View of Kundaikansouchouki;从君台观左右帐记看宋代花鸟画与日本狩野派
9.(in bookkeeping)enter(an item)in a ledger(簿记)将(帐目)登入分类帐
10.To keep a personal or financial journal.记私人日记或日记帐
11.Manage daily cash flow and payment., make daily journey and ensure the account and the cash is equivalent.管理日常现金支付,登记现金明细帐,确保帐实相符。
12.-- Accounts payable records——应付帐款的记录;
13.falsify records, accounts, etc伪造记录、 帐目等.
14.Memorandum Account (or record)备查帐户(或记录)
15.-- Accounts receivable records——应收帐款的记录;
16.He is skilled in music [in keeping accounts].他精于音乐 [记帐] 。
17.The listed company shall independently register such assets, independently set up account for such assets, and independently carry out business accounting and management for such assets.上市公司应当对该资产独立登记、建帐、核算、管理。
18.All accountant arguments are same, want to remember good account book by course only.所有的会计道理都一样,只要按科目记好帐。

book treatment记帐处理
3)Bill Management Point BMP记帐管理点
4)Registration (or modifying registration) card for Bookkeeper and Tax Return Filing Agent记帐及报税代理业务人登录(记)、变更登录(记)卡
5)on loan and keeping accounts principle借贷记帐原理
6)single-entry-bookkeeping in mentality单式心理记帐

纳税人聘请经批准从事会计代理记帐业务的专业机构代为办理税务的权利纳税人聘请经批准从事会计代理记帐业务的专业机构代为办理税务的权利:生产、经营规模小又确无建账能力的纳税人,可以聘请经批准从事会计代理记账业务的专业机构或者经税务机关认可的财会人员代为建账和办理账务;聘请上述机构或者人员有实际困难的,经县以上税务机关批准,可以按照税务机关的规定,建立收支凭证粘贴簿、进货销货登记簿或者使用税控装置 ――――《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法实施细则》第23条