取得成就,Acquired achievement
1)Acquired achievement取得成就

1.but also a powerful urge to achievements.他是人们取得成就的巨大动力。
2.He was incited to achievement by rivalry.竞争激励他努力取得成就
3.a competitive and successful economy;使香港的经济竞争力持续取得成就
4.perform a wonder创造奇迹,取得惊人成就
5.a person of multiple achievements一个取得多种成就的人
6.high level of respect gained by impressive development or achievement.由于取得的成就而赢得崇高尊敬。
7.All that we have achieved has gone down in the annals of history.我们取得的一切成就已经载入史册。
8.In some areas Mr Annan notched up notable achievements.在一些领域,安南取得了显著的成就。
9.Great achievements have been made in science and technology in recent years .近年来科技上取得了很大成就。
10.Some of the achievements in 2001 are highlighted as follows:二零零一年取得的几项主要成就包括:
11.Professor Zhang has attained remarkable achievements in this field.张教授在这一领域取得了卓越的成就。
12.We admire them for their great successes.我们敬佩他们取得的巨大成就。
13.I marvel at his tremendous achievements.我惊叹他取得的巨大成就。
14.He has got brilliant achievements in the field of physics.他在物理学方面已经取得了巨大成就。
15.The company have great success In the japanese market .该公司已在日本市场取得了巨大成就。
16.Hard work does wonders.努力工作会取得惊人的成就。
17.That is why it has been successful so far.这就是到目前为止它取得成功的原因。
18.We mustn't rest on our own achievements.我们不能满足于已取得的成就。

achieve remarkable success取得显著的成就
3)achievement orientation成就取向
1.The achievement orientation of managers at different levels was studied by structural interview and behavioral event interview.通过结构化访谈、行为事件访谈等方法 ,较为全面、深入地考察了企业各层次经理人员的成就取向及特点。
4)Fail to make progress in life;slip into dishonest ways未能在生活中取得成就;步入歧途
5)put it over取得成功
6)an estimable achievement值得称道的成就
