变化幅度,changing amplitude
1)changing amplitude变化幅度
1.Based on a certain division of land-use and the TM data of the Heihe River basin from 1987 to 2000, and from the changing amplitude, changing rate and spatial dynamic degree of land-use and land-cover, in this paper, the changing characteristics of land-use and land-cover in the Heihe River basin are analyzed, and a contrast amon.在土地类型划分的基础上,利用黑河流域1987年和2000年两期TM遥感数据,从土地利用与覆被变化幅度、变化速率及动态度等角度,定量分析了流域上、中、下游及全流域总体土地利用与覆被变化的特征并进行了对比。

1.English Expressions on the Percentage Change in Amount;百分比变化幅度的英文表达手段透视
2.Turn-on settling time -A change in voltage over a specified time interval after the power is applied.基准器件加电后,规定时间里输出电压的变化(变化幅度或变化率)。
3.The change ranges of these hydrodynamic coefficients decrease as the distance between floating bodies increases.水动力系数的变化幅度随着浮体间距离增大而变小。
4.However, there was a marked difference in the change extent and its tendency of the sown area among them.但在变化幅度与发展态势上,三个区域之间差异明显。
5.In communications, the amplitude variations of an amplitude modulated carrier wave.在通信技术中,调幅载波的幅度变化图。
6.Ambient concentrations varied considerably by season.环境浓度随季节而大幅度变化。
7.tending to vary often or widely.倾向于经常或者大幅度的变化。
8.The amount of fluctuation is also affected by bed configuration.变化的幅度也受河床形状的影响。
9.Research on the Speed and Scope of Strategic Change under Distinct Drivers and Controls;不同驱动与控制下的战略变化速度与幅度研究
10.Any serious fluctuation in pressure should be reported at once to the engineer in charge.只要压力一有大幅度变化就报告给主管工程师。
11.Study of changes in amplitude of accommodation in long stage after LASIK for myopia近视眼LASIK术后远期单眼调节幅度变化的研究
12.Variations of seismic design acceleration amplitude with depth for underground structures地下工程设计地震动加速度幅值变化研究
13.Investigation of amplitude of accommodation after LASIK in pre-presbyopic myopia老视前期近视患者LASIK术后单眼调节幅度的变化
14.pulse amplitude to time converter脉冲幅度 时间变换器
15.pulse amplutude-to-time converter脉冲幅度-时间变换器
16.The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maxtmum.两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。
17.The Sun's brightness should not change greatly for a thousand million years or more.太阳的亮度在几十亿年内甚至更久都不会有大幅度的变化。
18.These can result from large movements of the water-table when they survey on land.陆上勘探时,这些变化可能是水层的大幅度运动所致。

amplitude of variation幅度变化
3)temperature range limit温度变化幅度
4)water level variety range水位变化幅度
5)changing scope of strategy战略变化幅度
6)MR signal variationMR信号变化幅度
1.Method Adopting self-paired collated method,functional fMRI was used to observe the regional interest MR signal variation of anterior cingulate cortex(ACC),island cortex(IC),prefrontal cortex(PFC),hypothalamus(THAL) before and after the treatment,as well as after the controlled treatment using placebo among 18 d.目的探讨调肝运脾方对腹泻型肠易激综合征(IBS)患者脑内兴奋区域MR信号变化幅度的影响。

气候要素日变化和年变化气候要素日变化和年变化diurnal variation and annual variation of climatic elements  q ihou yaosu ribianhua hen一anb一anhua气候要素日变化和年变化(diurnal varia-tion and annual variation of elimatieelements)由地球自转和公转所引起的以l」、年为周期的气候要素变化。 日变化以气温为例,其日变化与地面加热状况直接有关,最高值在14一15时出现,最低值在日出前后测点的纬度、海拔高度、下垫面条件、季节以及人气干湿状况都可影响气温日变化,但不改变其主要性质)干旱地区夏季的气温日变化最显著,日较差(最高温度与最低温度之差)最大。气温日较差人小对农作物生长有收要意义,是农业气候分析的项目之一水汽压的日变化决定于地面加热条件、地面湿润状沉和湍流交换强弱。在充分湿润的地区和季节.水汽压最高值是午后最大,玄青晨最小,在其它地区,水汽压日变化曲线人多旱双峰型,两个高值分别出现在9时和「1落前后,两个低值发生在日出前和午后〔如图所示、风速日变化上要取决于近地层中湍流交换的日变化,11间因湍流加强,地面风速也增大,午后风速达最大值,夜间风速最小。沿海的海陆风现象及山区山谷风现象也属风的日变化,它们的速度和方向均有周日变化。 年变化气候要素年变化与太阳辐射年变化有关最明显的是气温年变化,在北回归线以北的北半球大陆上,l月气温最低,7月最高,气温年变曲线比之天文辐射年变曲线约有一个月的位相落后。在海洋l比日︸1 一一 。dq\汉俐田仁书5言 1 2 16时间/h20 24水气压的日变化上气温年变曲线的位相落后更多。从各地气温年变化特点就可看出海陆影响的程度(见大陆度)。降水的年变化也很明显,中国东部地区因受季风影响,夏季6一8月降水最多,冬季最少,干湿季竹交替明显地中海沿岸降水年变化具有冬季降水充沛,夏季少雨的特点,形成特殊的地中海气候。在英lfil各地,全年各月降水墩分配相当均匀,年变化较小,反映出典型的海洋性气候相对湿度的年变化与气温年变化相反,一般是夏季小冬季人。气温、降水、相对湿度等要素年变曲线的配置特点,可反映出各地气候的特点 (翁笃鸣)