增减挂钩,Connecting model
1)Connecting model增减挂钩

1.Study on Pothook of City Construction Land Increase and Rural Residential Land Decrease;城乡建设用地增减挂钩分析——以重庆市沙坪坝区为例
2.Empirical Analysis of the Farmers' Willingness to Participate in the Program of Plus and Minus Hook between Urban and Rural Construction Land农户参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩意愿的实证分析
3.Real Options Approach in Connecting Plan of Urban and Rural Construction Land实物期权方法在建设用地“增减挂钩”规划中的应用
4.Discussion on the Connecting the Increase of Urban Construction Land with the Decrease of Rural Residential Area--A Case Study of Dinnan County in Jiang-xi Province;城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少挂钩的探讨——以江西省定南县为例
5.Discussion on the Appraisal of Connecting the Increase of Urban Construction Land to the Decrease of Rural Residential Area--Taking Jinan as an Example;城镇建设用地增加与农村居民点减少挂钩的动态评价初探——以济南市为例
6.Connect economic growth rate to economic results使经济增长速度和经济效益挂起钩来
7.hanger [skirt hanger, pants hanger]钩环[挂裙、裤等用
8.Please hang your coat on the peg.请把上衣挂在挂钩上。
9.Loop the earhook over your ear.将耳机挂钩挂在耳后
10.I hung my coat ( up ) on a hook.我把外套挂在挂钩上。
11.A railroad coupler.挂钩连接火车车厢的挂钩
12.Inked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases.与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失。
13.Index-linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases.与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失.
14.An arrangement of barbless hooks that is dragged through a school of fish to hook them in their bodies.鱼叉,排钩用无倒钩的挂钩拖过鱼群以使鱼钩钩住鱼体的一种装置
15.Hang your jacket up By the tap.把你的外衣挂在衣钩上。
16.Hang your coat up on the hook.把你的外衣挂在钩子上。
17.side draft on the drawbar作用在挂钩上的横力
18.several hams hanging on hooks挂在钩上的几只火腿.

increase and decrease connection of urban and rural construction land城乡建设用地增减挂钩
3)energy-absorbing hitch减振挂钩
4)policy of "pothook of city construction land increase and rural residential land decrease""城乡建设用地增减挂钩"政策
1.Study on Pothook of City Construction Land Increase and Rural Residential Land Decrease;城乡建设用地增减挂钩分析——以重庆市沙坪坝区为例
2.Production cost is vital to an enterprise,how to control production cost is the most important civic event,the paper introduce the optimal design of setting plate for pothook.生产成本对企业至关重要,如何控制生产成本成为企业头等大事,本文重点介绍了海马汽车装配过程中一个叫挂钩固定板模具的优化设计。
3.The policy of "pothook" of the decrease in rural residential land and the increase in urban construction land is an important land management measure taken by the state.城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少相挂钩作为国家推出的一项重要的土地管理措施,在项目开展初期,没有成熟的运作模式和经验,应进行深入的可行性研究。
1.The structured designs of triggered hook and corresponding bumper were given.然后介绍了触发式挂钩的结构设计,及其对应的缓冲器的结构设计。
2.The paper presents an approach to detect the existence of system call hooks set by Trojan horses based on the locality and determinacy of execution flows,and the analysis of system function call labs in both user and kernel levels,then designs and realizes corresponding prototype.该文结合操作系统程序执行流程的局部相关性与确定性,在分析用户进程空间与内核空间中系统函数调用标志信息的基础上,检测系统中是否存在木马程序设置的隐蔽性系统调用挂钩,设计并实现了相应的检测方法。
3.The implementing processes of vector save and hook control algorithm are illustrated detailedly.详细阐述了控制曲线矢量化存储和挂钩操作算法的实现过程,给出了算法的流程图。
