农地集中,concentration of cropland
1)concentration of cropland农地集中

1.Dialectic Analysis of Management in Concentrated Cropland and Food Security--Stepping Out of the Misunderstandings of Cropland Concentration农地集中经营与粮食安全的辩证分析——走出农地集中的误区
2.A Probe Into the Civil Legal Status of Chinese Farmers Collective Organization;中国农民集体组织民事法律地位探析
3.Inquire into the Improvement of Collective Ownership System of Rural Land in China;论中国农村土地集体所有权制度改革
4.Studies on Government Roles in the Expropriation of the Rural Collective Land农村集体土地征收中的政府角色研究
5.Study on Intensive Rural Residential Land Use during New Socialist Countryside Development;新农村建设中农村居民点用地集约利用研究
7.Investigation and Research on Security of the Land Rights of Farmers in the Land Circulation for Collectivity-owned in Wuhu City;芜湖市农民集体建设用地流转中农民土地权益保障调查与研究
8.Enlightenment from ownership adjustment of farmland consolidation in Japan for intensive utilization of rural land in China日本农地合并中权属调整对我国农村土地集约利用的启示
9.The Legal Analysis of Chinese Rural Collective Land Ownership;中国当代农村集体土地所有权的法律分析
10.Analysis of Law and Economics on the Collective Land Property Rights System in China s Rural Areas;中国农村集体土地产权制度的法经济学分析
11.The Study on Problems of the Property Right in Transferences of Rural Collective Construction Land;农村集体建设用地流转中的产权问题研究
12.Research on Mode of Territorial Intensified Utilization in New Rural Construction;新农村建设中土地集约利用方式优化研究
13.The Application of Soft Set Theory in Rural Land Usage Right Evaluation;软集合理论在农村土地使用权估价中的应用
14.A Study on the Industrial Clusters in the Hinterland Rural Areas in China--A Case of Henan Province;中国内地农区产业集群研究——以河南为例
15.A study on the development stralegy of industry cluster in rural area of Guanzhong region;产业集群在关中农村地区的发展战略研究
16.On Solutions to Problems Caused by Centralized Residence in the Rural Area of Nantong;南通地区农民集中居住问题的对策研究
17.Analyzing the Nationalization of China Country Collective Landownership;国有化:中国农村集体土地所有权制度变革之路
18.The Positive Analysis on Structure of Peasants Collective Land Property Right hi China;中国农民集体土地产权配置的实证辨析

Collective-Agricultural Land集体农地
3)geographical concentration地理集中
1.For clothing industry, the paper suggests that China should increase its geographical concentration and implement the strategy of local clusters in some cities which conditions are mature.本文旨在根据服装业的国际竞争态势,分析我国服装业发展中现存的产业组织问题,进而提出我国服装产业需要提高地理集中率的意见,以及在我国若干有条件的城市实行地方产业群的战略的政策建议。
2.This paper aims to explore the relationship between geographical concentration in China s manufacturing industries and the degree of vertical disintegration.探讨中国的制造业地理集中程度与纵向分离程度的关系。
3.This paper empirically investigates the geographical concentration of producer services in Beijing metropolitan area.生产性服务业在都市区呈现集中分布状态,由于缺少统一理论指导和有效的分析工具及方法,长期以来有关生产性服务业地理集中的文献相对较少,且多局限于描述性分析。
4)geographic concentration地理集中
1.Empirical research on relation of industrial concentration and geographic concentration of manufacturing in China;中国制造业产业集中与地理集中关系的实证研究
2.Theoretical explorations into specialization and geographic concentration originated from the theories of trade and location.专业化与地理集中的理论研究主要来源于贸易理论和区位理论,利用专业化与地理集中指数可以衡量其地方的专业化和产业的地理集中度。
5)China Geological Engineer Group Company中地集团
1.Setting up and Implementing Scientific Viewpoint of Development ——Taking China Geological Engineer Group Company as Example;树立和落实科学发展观——以中地集团的实践为例
6)concentration of producing area产地集中

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