1."Decadence" in Chinese Modern Literature and the Urban Imagination in the Post-May Fourth Era;现代文学中的“颓废”与后五四时代的都市想象
2.The decadence of Shanghai concession and the decaying narrative of the modern literature;颓废的上海租界与现代文学的颓废叙事

1.A member of the Decadence movement.颓废派艺术家颓废派运动的一员
2.Of or relating to literary Decadence.颓废派文艺的,与颓废派文艺有关的
3.He is a member of beat generation .他是个颓废派的成员。
4.He hits out at hippie culture他猛烈抨击颓废派文化。
5.He walked back with decadent sentiments.他颓废地走了回来。
6.The decadence of Shanghai concession and the decaying narrative of the modern literature;颓废的上海租界与现代文学的颓废叙事
7.The dispirited day, is in the ruins quiet dying embers.颓废的日子,是废墟里的沉寂的死灰。
8.His face was a decadent face.他的脸是一张颓废派艺术家的脸。
9.the decadence of the rich Western countries富裕的西方国家中的颓废行为.
10.I told you, everything's cracking up.我告诉你,一切都在颓废中。
11.An effete group of self-professed intellectuals.一群自鸣颓废的知识分子
12.It is a decadent art in every way.从各个方面看,它都是一种颓废的艺术。
13.I don't like the decadent opinion in the article.我不喜欢这篇文章里颓废的观点。
14.a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice.腐化的、颓废的或者退化的行为活动。
15.Tentative Analysis-the Decadent Tinge of 1920 s Chinese Contemporary Literature;论1920年代中国现代文学中的颓废色彩
16.A Declining Fighter--A Probe into the Root of Yu Da-fu s Decadent Sentiments;没落的斗士——郁达夫颓废思想的剖析
17.Irrationalism Fairy Tales in the Modern Degenerating Literature;新时期颓废文学中的非理性主义神话
18.The Unity of Aestheticism, Decadent Sentiments and Patriotic Feeling: Discussion about Wen Yiduo s Dead Water;唯美、颓废和爱国的统一——闻一多《死水》论

1.Going back to the historical context,this paper attempts,based on the its emergence,spreading and acceptance,examines the symptoms of the conflicts between the youth themselves and society,the contradictions between desire and moral and the decadent resistance of the youth during the ebb of May 4th Movement.本文试图返回历史语境,以"郁达夫现象"的生产、传播和接受为支点,来审视五四退潮期在青年一代身上所出现的自我与社会的冲突、欲望与道德的矛盾以及他们颓废的反抗方式等时代症候。
2.The Literature of Shanghai School expresses criticism to the historical modernity in its content,and the tendency of decadent aestheticism in its aesthetic character.海派文学在内容上表现出一种对历史现代性的批判,在美学品格上体现为颓废唯美的倾向,这构成了审美现代性的特征。
3.Influenced by the ideological trend of the decadent from Europe at the end of the 19th century,decadence became a universal feeling in literary works in the May 4 period.受西方19世纪末颓废主义思潮的影响,颓废的心理情绪较广泛地存在于“五四”文学之中。
3)decadent sentiments颓废
1.On the basis of this point,the present paper makes a probe into the root of Yu Da-fu s decadent sentiments.颓废、没落是郁达夫的个人思想表现,而在这种思想呈现的背后,折射出的却是个人命运与时代和社会的冲突。
2.The decadent sentiments of Su Manshu s.自卑情结形成的"弱势心理"使他们把爱情理解成"母爱"或"同情";两人的情爱小说都弥漫着颓废的情调,但苏曼殊的作品在颓废中带有更多的感伤,而郁达夫的小说则在颓废中呈现出更多的唯美色彩。
3.This article claims that Wen Yiduo s Poem Dead Water is the unity of aestheticism, decadent sentiments and patriotic feeling.文章针对过去闻一多《死水》研究中各执一端只看到其“金银盾”一面的偏颇,认为该诗是唯美、颓废和爱国的统一。
4)decadent phenomenon颓废现象
1.Especially in Oscar Wilde s play-" Salome ", the story of a soothsayer persecuted and put to death because of his outspoken moral courage was changed into a story of hysteria because of repeated frustration and repressed female sexual desire; as such, it is colored with decadence, nevertheless, a necessary moral outcry for a balance between the body and.尤其是在王尔德的笔下 ,《圣经》中的一个关于先知因其直言不讳的道德勇气而遭迫害乃至杀死的故事 ,变成了一个关于女性的情欲因受到反复的挫折而达到歇斯底里的程度的故事 ;它带上了颓废主义的色彩 ,并被赋予了平衡肉体与精神的要求的道德寓意。
6)the decadent beauty颓废美
1.The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the relations between the Japanese culture and the decadent phenomenon in Kwabata s conte,and excavate the intension and the artistic conception of the decadent beauty from Kwabata s style, in order to deeply understand the aesthetics of Kwabata s conte.掌小说(又译掌篇小说)是川端康成文学创作的重要方面,通过对其掌小说的研究,在探讨日本文化与川端掌小说中颓废现象的关联,发掘川端式颓废美的内涵和意蕴,以便深入地理解川端小说的美学境界。
