1."Seriousness" of New Literature and "Post-seriousness" of Contemporary Literature;新文学的“严肃性”与当下文学的“后严肃性
2.This paper aims to confirm that it is more meaningful to criticize literature form the perspective of seriousness and popularization.其实,从严肃性与通俗性的角度谈文学,更有意义。
3.Although Huizinga\'s theory cannot cast off the impression of fan-play,but high seriousness and comprehending humanism that he endowed with made play theory more thoughtful,and further provided human culture research with special perspective of play.虽然,赫伊津哈的理论不免给人以泛游戏论的印象,但他赋予游戏的高度严肃性与极富包容性的人文精神不但为游戏论注入了新的内涵,更为人类文化史的研究提供了特别的游戏视角。

1.This is the inviolability of Party consolidation.这是整党的严肃性
2."Seriousness" of New Literature and "Post-seriousness" of Contemporary Literature;新文学的“严肃性”与当下文学的“后严肃性
3.They are both still serious papers.它们仍然是严肃性的报纸。
4.I do not wish to reduce the stature of our discussion.我无意贬低我们的讨论的严肃性
5.On Xin Qiji s serious attitude toward literary creation from a historical perspective;从史的角度论证辛弃疾创作的严肃性
6.A Review of the English Version of Ode to Suzhou与《苏州赋》译者商榷——兼谈译事之严肃性
7.The True Story of Ah Q combines solemnity and popularity as a model.阿q正传》是严肃性与通俗性相统一的典范。
8.Urgency of Personal Credit Management and Education;个人信用管理与教育的严肃性和紧迫性
9.For some people, this is not popular because they want their serious paper to look like a serious paper.对一些人来说,这不受欢迎,因为他们想让他们的严肃性报纸看起来像严肃性报纸。
10.The slapstick tone jars with the underlying seriousness这种粗鲁滑稽的腔调同基本的严肃性不和谐。
11.The joke did not obscure the underlying seriousness of his point.玩笑并没有掩盖他的观点隐含的严肃性
12.Strengthening Archives Management of Higher Education Institutes and Maintaining Seriousness of Higher Education Diploma;加强高校学籍档案管理维护高等学历的严肃性
13.And the seriousness, consistency and continuity of regional policy need to be guaranteed through leg islative means.而区域政策的严肃性、贯性和连续性,需要运用立法手段来保障。
14.From the serious face of their mother, the children knew the seriousness of the matter.从母亲严肃的脸,孩子们知道了事情的严重性。
15.Dally not with women or money.对待女性要严肃,对待金钱要认真。
16.I'm poor and of a serious disposition.我穷苦,我的天性是严肃的。
17.He is as sober as a judge.他十分镇静、严肃。
18.Minnie looked serious."敏妮脸色很严肃。

1.It pointed out that accordion and its music not only have the characteristics of entertainment , but have the artistry of serious.指出手风琴及其音乐已不仅仅具有娱乐性特征,同样具有了严肃性的艺术属性。
1.In conclusion,contemporary literature has surpassed the basic structure and tradition of"new literature"into a literary age of"post-seriousness".本文通过重新阐释朱自清提出的"新文学"的"严肃性"这一概念,深入分析当下文学的诸种形态对这一概念的超越,进而探讨中国"新文学"的历史脉络,并对其与当下的"新世纪文学"的形态差异作了考察,认为当下文学已经超越了"新文学"的基本历史框架和传统,进入了一个"后严肃性"文学的时代。
4)seriousness of journalism新闻严肃性
5)Academic Seriousness学术严肃性
