1.Rawls herited and developed Hume s conception of justice from three aspects : first is the concept of the circumstances of justice; second is the notion of the reciprocity of justice and third is the idea of the role of justice.罗尔斯主要在以下三个方面继承和发展了休谟的正义观:一是正义的环境观念,二是正义的相互性概念,三是正义的作用观念。

1.mutual sexual stimulation prior to sexual intercourse.性交前的相互性刺激。
2.Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other.同性电荷互相排斥,异性电荷互相吸引。
3.cross-cutting gender issue相互交织的性别问题
4.Their natures are incompatible.他们的本性互不相容。
5.law of creative interaction, a建设性相互作用的法律
6.Two like electric charges repel each other.同性的电互相排斥。
7.global interdependence全球性相互依存(关系)
8.relating to or employing correlation.与相互关系有关或使用相关性。
9.simultaneous multiple image correlation同时多重图象相关性(相互作用)
10.Optimal Frequency Hopping Sequences: Auto-and Cross-Correlation Properties;最优跳频序列:自相关和互相关性质
11.Reciprocity as a New Ration of Economic Action:An Analysis of Chinese Ancient Philosophy "Moist School" Approach;从墨家“兼相爱,交相利”看经济行为的新理性:互惠性与互恕性
12.The nationalization and internationalization of Wushu are repulsive and attractive.中国武术的国家性与国际性对立统一,既相互排斥,又相互吸纳。
13.Atoms with opposite charges attract each other, or atoms with the same charge push away from each other.带异性电的原子会互相吸引,反之,带同性电的原子则会互相排斥。
14.Scratch me and I will scratch you.(口、谚)互相迎合,互吹互捧。
15.Strangeness is assumed to be a conserved quantity in all interactions that are not weak.假定奇异性是除弱相互作用以外的所有相互作用中的一个守恒量。
16.The women history and the history of the sexual distinction, and the history of the economy and society are combined with eachother and also different from eachother.妇女史、社会性别史与经济—社会史既相互联系 ,又相互区别。
17.a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.两性之间互相吸引的一种深厚的感情。
18.Be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship相互维持单一性伴侣关系

1.Subsequently,the reliability research is conducted by using the limited equation composed of safety factor;and the effects of the cross-correlation among strength parameters frictional coefficient f,cohesion c on the stability index are analyzed t.为了提出一整套具有普遍适用意义的坝基多滑面稳定校核公式以及配套参数,为设计提供参考依据,首先在滑楔法基础上提出一种新的适用于多滑面和双滑面的等K′法;然后通过安全系数直接构成的极限状态方程,对等K′法进行可靠度研究,并分析强度参数的互相关性对可靠指标的影响。
3)Mutual attribute相互属性
4)relative prime相互素性
1.We discussd the relative primeness and relative guasi-primeness of meromor -Phic function and some interesting results were obtained.本文研究亚纯函数的相互素性和相互拟素性,得到一些有趣结果。
5)cross correlation互相关性
6)mutual coherence互相干性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-