2)congenital and acquired Buddha-nature本有始有
3)private capital私有资本
1.Feasibility study on introduction of private capital for railway construction;铁路建设引入私有资本的可行性研究
2.The public capital and the private capital have both the common ground and the essential difference.公有资本与私有资本既有共同点,又有本质区别。
3.The paper puts forward an opinion on the duality of the circling private capital for the first time by the completely dialectical locomotion way in the article,it also points out the private capital with its social status and demonstrates the private capital along with its economy s legal station of the objective reality on our basic economical systems.本文提出"运动中的"私有资本具有二重性的观点,论证了私有资本及其经济在我国基本经济制度中的法定地位的客观现实性。

1."Denatured" capital accumulation is one that turns public capital into private capital with every artifice.“变性”资本积累是以各种手段变公有资本为私有资本的资本积累。
2.We are the primary provider of private capital and related investment capital.我们主要提供私有资本和相关投资资本。
3.On the Current Situation and Development Trend of Privately Owned Capital;私有资本面临的形势与发展趋势探微
4.Feasibility study on introduction of private capital for railway construction;铁路建设引入私有资本的可行性研究
5.Reflection on System Innovation of Private Capital in the Family-run Businesses;中国家族制私有资本制度创新的思考
6.an economic system based on private ownership of capital.私人对资本的占有为基础的经济体制。
7.The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership.资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。
8.Capitalism is based on private ownership.资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。
9.We are a boutique investment bank specializing in the private capital markets.美国天使资本公司是投资银行,致力于投资私有的资本市场。
10.Privatisation meant a field day for robber barons.私有化意味着是强盗资本家的户外集训。
11.An Empirical Research on the Directions of Capital Investment and Private Benefit Snatch资本投向与控制权私有收益攫取的实证研究
12.Capital Allocation and Firm Value of Private Benefits of Control控制权私有收益的资本配置与公司价值
13.Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality.资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。
14.Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.私营是资本主义的基础.
15."foreign capital (official, private)"(官方的,私人的)外国资本
16.The crackdown on capital flight an smuggling打击资本外逃和走私
17.We are a private mezzanine venture capital fund which invests in the subordinated debt and equity of privately held companies.资本股份有限公司是夹层资本合资公司,我们给私下企业提供负债和股份投资。
18.It takes various forms, not just that of joint state-private management.国家资本主义不是只有公私合营一种形式,而是有各种形式。

congenital and acquired Buddha-nature本有始有
3)private capital私有资本
1.Feasibility study on introduction of private capital for railway construction;铁路建设引入私有资本的可行性研究
2.The public capital and the private capital have both the common ground and the essential difference.公有资本与私有资本既有共同点,又有本质区别。
3.The paper puts forward an opinion on the duality of the circling private capital for the first time by the completely dialectical locomotion way in the article,it also points out the private capital with its social status and demonstrates the private capital along with its economy s legal station of the objective reality on our basic economical systems.本文提出"运动中的"私有资本具有二重性的观点,论证了私有资本及其经济在我国基本经济制度中的法定地位的客观现实性。
4)state-owned capital国有资本
1.On operating budget system of water resources state-owned capital;水利国有资本经营预算制度探讨
2.Analysis of gaming for accounting supervision of state-owned capital;国有资本会计监管的博弈分析
3.Construction of state-owned capital operation budget organization system;试论国有资本经营预算组织体系的构建
5)holding cost持有成本
6)national capital国有资本
1.Elementary Discussion about National Capital Investor s Financial Management;初论国有资本出资人财务管理
2.Research on Running Stratagem of National Capital Basing on Finance;基于财务的国有资本营运战略研究
3.The author maintains that,generally speaking,there are mainly 2 types of evaluation theories on national capital evaluation,that is,financial-oriented and comprehensive-oriented ones.本文把国有资本效绩评价理论分为财务导向型与综合评价型两种,认为由于这两种评价理论没有考虑到铁路国有资本的公益性和企业性、非营利性和营利性的产业特点,单纯按照一般工商企业的资本效绩评价原则来考核铁路国有资本,会扭曲不同铁路国有资本的性质和职能,政府职能也就不能得到清晰界定。

本有【本有】 (术语)对于修成或修生之称。谓本来固有之性德也。依性宗之谈,则不论有情非情,其本性万德圆满,在圣不增,在凡亦不灭,譬如矿中之金,暗中之宝,是为本有。法华玄义七曰:“本有四德,隐名如来藏。修成四德,显名为法身。”涅槃经十曰:“本有今无,本无今有。三世有法,无有是处。”【又】四有之一。生后死前,现在之生活,谓之本有。