具体概念,concrete concept
1)concrete concept具体概念
1.The concrete concept constitutes the basic form of dialectical thinking and the major subject studies of dialectical logic.具体概念是辩证思维的基本形式 ,是辩证逻辑的主要研究对象。

1.The Specific Concept of Socialist Cultural Construction with Chinese Characteristic;中国特色社会主义文化建设的具体概念
2.Ideal Form: the Important Character of Concrete Concept--from Feng Qi to Peng Yilian;理想形态:具体概念的重要特点——从冯契到彭漪涟
3.Concrete Concept as the Basic Form of Dialectical Thinking;论具体概念何以是辩证思维的基本形式
4.ny new embodiment of a familiar idea.对熟悉概念的具体化。
5.a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept.一个模糊概念的具体化形象。
6.giving concrete form to an abstract concept.给抽象的概念以具体的形式。
7.consider an abstract concept to be real.把一个抽象的概念作具体的考虑。
8.He speaks in concepts rather than specifics.他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。
9.Concepts of PE Science Should Have Scientific and Authorative Values;体育科学概念应具有科学性和权威性——对体育科学概念涵义的浅析
10.construe as a real existent, of a conceptual entity.把事物分析成具体的实在物,把概念实体化。
11.A Concrete-general Concept--"the Localization of Marxism;“马克思主义中国化”是个“具体总体”的概念
12.Installs documentation that addresses very specific scenarios or concepts related to the software安装阐述与软件有关的具体方案或概念的文档
13.He embodied the idea in his painting.他把那个概念具体地表现在他的绘画中。
14.Cooperate with the financial departments to develop new-type financing instruments with sports concepts.与金融部门合作,开发体育概念的新型融资工具。
15.The case description of product conceptual design and the case reasoning process are studied amply.具体研究了概念设计实例的表示和推理技术。
16.Those concepts of spoilage and vicious circle of ecological environment have been explained.对生态环境的破坏和恶化等概念作了具体说明。
17.Nouns encode autonomous entities, containing various kinds of conceptual structures which belong in formal or functional aspect.名词是自主体,内含各种概念实在体和概念抽象体,可具有形式和功能两个侧面的内容。
18.involving or characteristic of conceptualism.包含或具有概念论特征。

concrete relational concept具体关系概念
3)Conceptual Furniture概念家具
1.Chinese Conceptual Furniture Creative Design;中式概念家具创新设计研究
4)Concept of Special Administrative Act具体行政行为概念
5)concretize abstractions使抽象概念具体化
6)concept map tools概念图工具
