感性直观,perceptual intuition
1)perceptual intuition感性直观
1.There are many relations between perceptual intuition and practice, but there are more essential differences between them.感性直观与实践之间有联系,但更有本质区别。
2.Marx regards Feuerbach\'s materialism as non-practice,which is the inner logic for perceptual activities surpassing perceptual intuition.而事实上,费尔巴哈的直观唯物主义并非缺乏辩证法;马克思把费尔巴哈的"直观性"理解为"非实践性",这是感性活动超越感性直观的内在逻辑;感性活动对感性直观的超越,是马克思创立新唯物主义的关键。

1.On the Differences Between Perceptual Intuition and Practice from the View of Epistemology;从认识论角度看感性直观与实践的区别
2.Exploration of Marx's Philosophy Revolution:from the Perspective of Perceptual Intuition从感性直观理解马克思主义哲学的革命
3.An object independent of intellectual intuition of it or of sensuous perception of it.不凭感官而藉纯粹理性的直观作用
4.Sensation and Being Within the Horizons of Intuition of Essence--An Analysis of Husserl s Thinking of Intuition;本质直观视域中的感性与存在——胡塞尔的“直观”理论初论
5.Intuitive Comprehension Vs.Rational Analysis:A Comparative Study of Western Novel Theories and Chinese Ones;直观的感悟与理性的分析——中西小说理论比较
6.Evidence: Adequate Perception and Ego;明见性:相即感知与自我——再论胡塞尔的“直观”理论
7.From Intuition to Practice:the Transcendence of Feuerbach's Perceptual by Marx从直观到实践:马克思对费尔巴哈“感性”的超越
8.The immediacy of live television coverage.电视现场直播的直观性
9.I have been ill with influenza.我一直患流行性感冒。
10.They're sensitive and objective.那就是敏感性和客观性。
11.Observer Designs for Sensorless Linear Servo Systems;无传感器直线伺服系统的观测器设计
12.Between Rational Analysis and Intuitive Perspicacity--Study on the mode of literary criticism in the passage entitled Zhiyin Wenxindiaolun;在理性分析与直观感悟之间——《文心雕龙·知音》篇中的文学批评模式研究
13.On the Improvement of the Objectivity for the Method of Impression Points Grading;提高观感评分计分方法客观性之研究
14.On Perceptual Intuition and Rationalization inChao Yu s Creation of Thunderstorm;试论《雷雨》创作的感性直觉和理性把握
15.This piece mainly conveys a kind of directly perceived feeling, a nervous and awkward condition.主要呈现一种直观的感受,紧张与尴尬的状态。
16.Stereoscopic vision is the direct perception of distances of objects, using both eyes.立体视觉是两眼对物体距离的直观感觉。
17.Efficacy of Perioperative Warming on Incidence of Surgical Site Infection in Colorectal Operations围术期保温预防结直肠手术部位感染效果观察
18.Research on Driving Characteristic of the Linear Induction Motor;直线感应牵引电动机牵引性能的研究

perceptual objective form感性直观形式
3)direct orientation直观感知
1.Based on the first part,the author argues that the backbone of this sort of judgment are direct orientation,experience and the value.笔者以第一个方面为平台,认为法官在将案件事实函摄于法律构成要件之前必须进行作必要的法律判断,而且这种判断的基础为直观感知、经验法则以及价值评价。
4)intuitive perspicacity直观感悟
1.However,his critical method goes toward the combination of intuitive perspicacity and rational analysis through his recognition of the irrational and non-objectivization traits o.刘勰认为文学批评中的误区大都是由于主观偏见造成的,所以力求提出一套客观全面的评定文学作品的方法和标准;然而,对文学鉴赏批评的非理性、非对象化特点的认识,又使其批评方法走向直观感悟与理性分析的融合。
1.This article aims at the discusion of the application of the EWB in teaching electronics to promote the visibility and visual for encouraging the students.计算机在电子设计自动化方面的不断发展,也为教学改革提供了客观条件,为激发学生的学习兴趣及提高教学中的直观性、可视性,我们将EWB软件应用于电子技术基础教学中,做了新的教学尝试。
2.The characteristic of mathematics is abstractness and strictness,but our cognition needs conereteness and visibility.于是,努力探索“严谨性”与“直观性”的“结合通道”,就成为提高数学教学质量的一个关键。
1.Analysis of the intuition level of junior middle school geometry under the background of new curriculum;新课程背景下初中几何直观性水平探析
2.So it s vital to enhance the intuition and savour with settings, which can feature the importance of entirety teaching.因此,在小学英语词汇教学中,如何加强词汇教学的直观性、增强词汇教学的趣味性、利用语境,突出词汇教学的整体性显得尤为重要。
3.It is characterized by two aspects,that is,first,attaching great importance to the fostering of spirit with features of generalization,intuition and image;second,having rich content with features of ideology,literature and knowledge.它有两大特色:一是注重精神成人,融概括性、直观性、形象性于一体;二是内容丰富多彩,融思想性、文学性、知识性于一体。

模象直观模象直观simulational imaginal intuition  模象直观(5 imulational imaginar intuit;on)直观教学类型之一,指通过对实际事物的模拟性形象的感知提供感性材料的直观方式。如观看图片、图表、模型、幻灯、录像、电影等。模象直观的优点是:(l)它能通过人为的手段消除或减弱实物的非本质因素对本质因素的掩蔽作用。如在图片或模型中,用着色、放大、对比等手段改变非本质因素的强度以突出本质因素。(2)它可以突破时间和空间的限制,来扩大感性材料的来源。如利用地图或模型表现某一地区的地形,通过示意图展示某些不能直接观察的事物的内部结构,运用影视形式重演历史事件等。由于上述优点,使模象直观成为现代化教学的重要手段。因模象与它所标志的实物之间还存在着一定的差趴,容易造成知识理解土的障碍,与实物直观结合可在定程度上消除这-缺陷。 (戚立夫撰匣亘国审)