1.On the Essential Interest of the Inversion Given by Marx to Hegelianism;论马克思对黑格尔哲学之"颠倒"的本质意蕴
2.When most modern western thinkers and various philosophical schools are criticizing the Hegelianism , the western Marxism extremely attach importance to the Hegelianism, moreover their thoughts and the Hegelianism also have some certain origin relations.在许多现代西方思想家和各哲学流派都对黑格尔哲学进行批判之时,西方马克思主义却对黑格尔哲学十分重视,而且其思想与黑格尔哲学还具有一定的渊源关系。

1.Hegel s Philosophy: Communitarian Source of Inspiration--Influence of Hegel s Philosophy on Communitarianism;黑格尔哲学:社群主义灵感的源泉——论黑格尔哲学对社群主义的影响
2.The relationship between philosophy of Marx and philosophy of Hegel;重新理解马克思哲学与黑格尔哲学之间的关系
3.Rediscussion of Marx s Critical Inheritance of Hegel s Philosophy;再论马克思对黑格尔哲学的批判继承
4.On "the Real Origin and Secret" in Hegel s Philosophy;也谈黑格尔哲学的“真正起源和秘密”
5.Philosophy of History of Hegel and Hegelians黑格尔的历史哲学和黑格尔派
6."The elimination of philosophy" and The realization of philosophy--Reading " Introduction"“消灭哲学”与实现哲学——读《<黑格尔法哲学批判>导言》
7.Analysis of Hegel’s Ownership Theories From the Principle of Law Philosophy;从黑格尔《法哲学原理》看黑格尔所有权理论
8.Teaching by Nature of Philosophy--Discussion on Hegel s Philosophy Teaching Thought;按哲学的本性教学——试论黑格尔的哲学教学思想
9.Hegel s Religious Theology Outlook and Its Relation to the History of Philosophy;黑格尔的宗教神学观与哲学史的联系
10.On Marx s Jurisprudence of 《The Criticism about Hegel s Philosophy of Right》;论马克思在《黑格尔法哲学批判》中的法哲学思想
11.Marx s Critique of Hegel s Philosophy Principle of Law;马克思对黑格尔《法哲学原理》的批判
12.Lenin s Sublation of Hegelian View on Practice in Philosophy Notes;列宁《哲学笔记》对黑格尔实践观的扬弃
13.The Alienation in "Criticism on Hegel s Legal Philosophy";试析《黑格尔法哲学批判》中的异化问题
14.On Hegel’s “New Synthesis” of Philosophy and Christianity;黑格尔对哲学与基督教的“新综合”
15.A Brief Analysis about the Liberal-education Idea from Hegal s Legal Philosophy;黑格尔法哲学中的自由教育思想简析
16.On Hegel s Several Misunderstanding of Chinese Traditional Philosophy;论黑格尔对中国传统哲学的几个误读
17.Thoughts of Rule by Law in Hegel s Principle of Law Philosophy;试论黑格尔《法哲学原理》中的法治思想
18.On Gadamer s Keeping and Developing of Hegel s Philosophy of History;论伽达默尔对黑格尔历史哲学的继承和发展

Hegel's philosophy黑格尔哲学
3)Hegel philosophy黑格尔哲学
1.An analysis of the real growing point of Hegel philosophy shows that Hegel philosophy is of modern significance and value, and his "speculative philosophy" cannot be simply summed up as "non critical positivism" and "non critical idealism".从对黑格尔哲学真正生长点的辨析中可以发现,黑格尔哲学还具有当代意义和价值,因此不能简单地把黑格尔的"思辨哲学"归结为"非批判的实证主义"和"非批判的唯心主义"。
5)Hegelian philosophy system黑格尔哲学体系
6)Kantian and Hegelian philosophies康德黑格尔哲学
