经典诠释,interpretation of classics
1)interpretation of classics经典诠释
1.Focusing on Zhu Xi s interpretation of the Four Books, in this article we discuss the relation between interpretation of classics and construction of philosophy.我们可以从孟子学汲取化解两者间张力的方法论灵感:一是尚友古人,与古人对话,进入古人的心魂,这是“对话的”经典诠释法;二是进入古人的时空情境,在古人的脉络中温故而知新,这是“历史的”解释方法。

1.Doctrine of the Mean and Annotation on Confucian Classics;中庸之道与经典诠释——朱熹经典诠释思想述略
2.Annotation of Li Shan WenXuan--One Annotation Phenomenon Which is Poles Apart with China Classics Annotation;李善《文选》诠释——一种与中国经典诠释截然不同的诠释现象
3.On two basic modes in interpreting traditional Chinese classics: direct interpretation and comprehensive interpretation --taking the interpretation of Yi jing as an example;论中国经典诠释的两个基型:直释与旁通——以《易经》的诠释为例
4.Xun Zi’s Concept of "Categorization" and its Application in Interpreting Classics荀子“类”观念及其在经典诠释中的运用
5.The Methodology for Interpretations of Traditional Chinese Philosophical Classics--A Focus on the Interpretation of the Text of the Great Learning;论中国传统哲学经典诠释之方法——以《大学》文本诠释为中心
6.The Classics Interpretation of Luo Jinxi and Its Significance in Ideological History;罗近溪的经典诠释及其思想史意义——就“克己复礼”的诠释而谈
7.Classic Hermeneutics and Rhetoric: An Exploration of the Implications of a Debate on Western Hermeneutics;经典诠释与修辞:一个西方诠释学争论的意义探讨
8.Du Fu s Classical Interpretations of Benvolence:The Central Idea of Confucianism;杜甫诗歌对儒家思想核心——“仁”的经典诠释
9.Ma Yifu's "Theory of Six Classics and Mind" and the Philosophical Connotations of Confucian Classics:From "Classic Hermeneutics"to "Ontological Hermeneutics"马一浮的“六艺心统说”与儒家经学的哲学意涵:从“经典诠释”到“本体诠释”
10.On the Relation between Interpretation of Classics and Construction of Philosophy:Centered on Zhu Xi s Interpretation of the Four Books;论经典诠释与哲学建构之关系——以朱子对《四书》的解释为中心
11.Book Review: A Commentary of Chinese Classical Translation Theories by WANG Hong-yin;中国传统译论研究的新突破——评《中国传统译论经典诠释
12.Interpretations of the Canon and East-West Comparative Studies:Notes onWang Guowei, Chen Yinque and Qian Zhongshu;经典诠释与中西比较——对王国维、陈寅恪、钱钟书有关思想的一点讨论
13.The Four Books Elevation to Canonical Status and their Study in the Song Dynasty:Interpretation of Confucian Classics in the Transformation from Han Xue to Song Xue;四书升格运动与宋代四书学的兴起——汉学向宋学转型的经典诠释历程
14.From Folk Work to Official Teaching Material;从民间著述到官方教材——从元陈澔《礼记集说》看经典诠释的独特现象及其思想史意义
15.The Exceptional Annotation of Classic Utterances: Compilation and Re-structuring;经典话语的另类诠释:纂编重构——《礼记》诠释方式考察之一
16.Prominent Differentiation of Classics and Interpretation Styles in Zhu Xi s Compiling of Four Classic Books;朱熹对经典文体与诠释书体的高卓适别
17.QU Qiu-bai s Translation, Introduction and Interpretation of Marxist Views of Art and Literature: A Rereading;经典的当时与未来——重读瞿秋白马克思主义文艺观的译介与诠释
18.The Conceptions of “Fa” in Chinese Philosophy -- The Comparison of the Explanations on “Fa” from Early Chinese Philosophical Texts to the Latter Legalist s Works;中国哲学概念里的“法”——从早期哲学经典到法家对“法”的诠释比较

Annotations of classics诠释经典
3)China classicsannotation中国经典诠释
4)Classical methodology of hermeneutics经典诠释方法论
5)exegesis of pornographic classics典籍诠释
6)Biblical interpretation圣经诠释
