思辨理性,Speculative Reason
1)Speculative Reason思辨理性
1.Speculative reason aufhebeng the understanding, while reflection theory is the key to understand Hegel s dialectics and speculative reason.思辨理性是扬弃了知性思维的更高一层的理性,反思学说是理解黑格尔辩证法及思辨理性的关键。
2.In Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant proposed the qu estion of “infinite condition,”which remains in particular in the sphere of ep istemology, and peculiarities the inherent speculative reason.它最能凸现思辨理性哲学的本质特性。
2)rational speculation理性思辨
1.Starting with the first propsition “The water is the origin of all things on earth”,this article inquires into the ancient Greece′s philosophy spirit,which pays attention to nature character and advocates rational speculation. 本文从古希腊哲学的第一个命题"水是万物的始基"着手,透视古希腊哲学的精神:注重自然本性和崇尚理性思辨。

1.Rational Thought on Prison Work at Primary Standards关于“首要标准”下监狱工作的理性思辨
2.The Rational Thoughts on Incentive Mechanism of Stock Options to Executives;建立企业经理人股权激励制度的理性思辨
3.A Review of the Theory and Practice of Sociology of Law;法治的理性思辨——评《法律社会学的学理与运用》
4.Arguments on Rational Choice of Share Merger Reform Schemes for Listed Companies;上市公司股权分置改革方案选择的理性思辨
5.Valuable Objective of Criminal Policy:One of Rational Thinking on Criminal Policy;刑事政策的价值目标——刑事政策的理性思辨之一
6.Rational Reflection on Dual Relation Between Human Being and Nature at Technology Era;科技时代人与自然二重化关系的理性思辨
7.Study on the Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Its Feasibility in China;员工持股计划的理性思辨及其在中国的适用性研究
8.A Crystallization of Rational Thought and the Concern of Reality --The View Point of Professor Sun Baolin s Work "Literature and Art Selected Works;理性思辨与现实关怀的结晶——评孙宝林教授的《文艺选论》
9.On Unitary Revelation and Reflection of Illegality--A Discussion with Professor Zhen-hua Yu of Central Police University in Taiwan;对大陆法系违法性理论的理性思辨——兼与台湾中央警察大学余振华教授商榷
10.Reasonable Transition and the Logic of Evolution;转型中理性范式的再思索与演进逻辑思辨
11.A Theoretical Approach to Painting Creation;绘画创作中的理性思考——试论构图之辨证
12.Dialectic Analysis of the Flexibility of Human Resource Management in Large-scale corporation;大型国有企业人力资源柔性管理的哲学思辨
13.On Rebuilding the National Character of TV Documentaries关于电视纪录片国际化与民族性的理论思辨
14.Differentiation of Speculation & Speculative Method in Management Science Academe;管理学界所惯用的“思辨”及其方法辨析
15.Virtue and Reason: How Ethics Can Be a Subject?--Rethinking Stoic s Standpoint;德性与理性:伦理学为什么可能?——斯多亚主义立场辨思
16.The Discussion on the Theory of the Relevance between Yang-yin Idea and "Dynamic" Nature in Febrile Disease Differentiation《温病条辨》养阴思想与“动”性病症相关性的理论探讨
17.Unfamiliar Angle of View Rational Thinging --On Bertolt Brecht`s the Good Women of Setzuan;陌生的视角 理性的思辨——评布莱希特的《四川一好人》
18.A Rational Thinking of the Notion of Socialist Property Rights and An Analysis of the Ownership System;社会主义产权观念的理性思考及所有制问题辨析

rational speculation理性思辨
1.Starting with the first propsition “The water is the origin of all things on earth”,this article inquires into the ancient Greece′s philosophy spirit,which pays attention to nature character and advocates rational speculation. 本文从古希腊哲学的第一个命题"水是万物的始基"着手,透视古希腊哲学的精神:注重自然本性和崇尚理性思辨。
3)thinking inference思辨推理
4)dialectical thinking思辨性
1.The reason is,as the article pointed out,the lack of dialectical thinking and rational critical spirit in literary criticism.:针对我国当前文学批评界对西方文论绍介的过度张扬和昙花一现的弊病 ,文章认为 :这是批评主体思维方法的辩证、理性批判精神的欠缺所导致 ,因此 ,建构一个辩证的科学的思维模式和方法尤为迫切 ,文章提出思辨性与民族文化底蕴是其两个重要环
5)Hegel s Speculative Reason黑格尔的思辨理性
6)speculative subjectivity思辨主体性
