一般哲学,general phylosophy
1)general phylosophy一般哲学

1.On Marx s Critics of Hegel s Dialectic and the General Philosophy;试论马克思对黑格尔辩证法及一般哲学的批判
2.Talking about the key object of philosophy, the ordinary object of philosophy or the latent object of philosophy;对哲学核心对象、哲学一般对象和哲学潜在对象的界定与辨析
3.On the Nature of the Academic Discipline of Economic Philosophy and the General Approach of Research;论经济哲学的学科性质和一般研究思路
4.An Inquiry of WANG Tingxiang s Philosophy of Qi -With Considerations of the Characteristics of the Theory of Qi in Chinese Classical Philosophy;王廷相气论哲学新探——兼论中国古典气论哲学的一般性质
5.Philosophical Criticism on Logical Analytical System;一般均衡理论逻辑分析体系的哲学批判
6.Heidegger's Rebuttal towards the General Logic-grounded Philosophical Idea论海德格尔对哲学奠基于逻辑一般观点的反驳
7.One of the recurrent themes of medieval philosophy was the celebrated dispute about "universals",中世纪哲学中经常出现的论题之一是关于“一般概念”的著名论战。
8."And," adds Marx, "the same is true of the political, juridical, religious, and philosophical systems in general."“同样,──马克思补充说,──政治的﹑法律的﹑宗教的﹑哲学的体系,一般都是如此。”
9.Contemporary philosophy knows the tendency to regard the self as something which can be created like a work of art.在当代哲学中,自我可视同一件艺术作品般来进行创作的材质。
10.A Comparison of Buddhism s Prajna Thought with Schubenhua s Will Philosophy;佛教般若思想与叔本华意志哲学比较
11.Knowledge of Documents, Skills of Hermeneutics and Concern for Humanities: An Analysis of "the Awareness of General Problems" in the Research of the History of Chinese Philosophy;文献学功底、解释学技巧和人文学关怀——论中国哲学史研究的“一般问题意识”
12.In the end, we discuss the general way of effect philosophy had uqon natural science from different angles.最后,我们还从不同的侧面探讨了哲学对自然科学的一般作用形式和途径.
13.the doctrine that the application of a general term to various objects indicates the existence of a mental entity that mediates the application.经院哲学中非正统派唯名论的一种具体形式认为一般、共相作为名词概念都是有意义有内容的。
14.Philosophical behaviourists have generally identified mental facts with dispositions to behaviour.哲学行为主义者一般把精神(心理)方面的事实和行为的意向看成一致。
15.Philosophy Is the History of Philosophy?--A Kind of Philosophical Historical Reading;哲学就是哲学史吗?——一种哲学史观的解读
16.His tragedies are unique because he has incorporated the philosophy of religion in his narration.他的小说的悲剧不同于一般悲剧,还有个重要原因,即他将宗教的哲学和情感引进了小说。
17.The charges against Communism made from a religious, a philosophical, and, generally, from an ideological standpoint, are not deserving of serious examination.从宗教的、哲学的和一般意识形态的观点对共产主义提出的种种责难,都不值得详细讨论了
18.A review on Chinese philosophy and Greek philosophy;也谈中国哲学和西方哲学——对李廉《中国哲学与希腊哲学》一书的简评

philosophy of general system一般系统哲学
3)the Ordinary Object of Philosophy哲学一般对象
4)Bore philosophy般若哲学
1."Nothingness" is the "national chanting",and "popular chanting" of the Bore philosophy."本来无一物",是南禅左派般若哲学的"民族唱法"和"通俗唱法"。
5)the general value(philosophy of value)一般价值论(价值哲学)
6)general mechanics一般力学
1.Generalized variational principles with two kinds of variables of initial value problems in general mechanics;一般力学初值问题两类变量的广义变分原理
2.Dual form of generalized variational principles in general mechanics;一般力学广义变分原理的对偶形式
3.This paper discusses the development of aeronautics and astronautics with mechanics, reveals the development of new branches of interconnected sciences in mechanics, describes the relations of flight mechanics with aerodynamics, structure mechanics, general mechanics and automatic control, and introduces the new branch of flight mechanics—flight dynamics of elastic vehicle.文章论述了航空航天技术发展与力学学科发展的依存关系 ,讨论了力学学科间的交叉及交叉学科的产生 ,重点介绍了飞行力学与空气动力学、结构力学、一般力学、自动控制等学科间的关系 ,进而讨论了飞行力学的分支———弹性飞行器动力

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀