哲学家执政,administration of country by philosophers
1)administration of country by philosophers哲学家执政
2)philosophy of governing执政哲学
1.The concept of scientific development: a scientic concept of politics as a philosophy of governing;科学发展观:作为执政哲学的科学的政治观

1.The concept of scientific development: a scientic concept of politics as a philosophy of governing;科学发展观:作为执政哲学的科学的政治观
2.Understanding The Philosophical Connotation of "Scientific Ruling, Democratic Ruling ,and Ruling by Law";解读“科学执政、民主执政、依法执政”的哲学内涵
3.Keyword: Ruling ability, economic philosophy, the fulfillment ability, work center.关键词:执政能力、济哲学、践能力、作中心。
4.Chinese philosophical basis of "harmonious society" ′s ruling idea;“和谐社会”执政理念的中国哲学基础
5.A Jurisprudential Consideration on the Legality of the Ruling of Chinese Communist Party;中国共产党执政合法性的法哲学思考
6.On the Political Validity of Communist Party of China from the Perspective of Political Philosophy;从政治哲学视角看中国共产党执政的合法性
7.The Philosophical Basis of Building up the Party s Governing Capacity;浅议加强党的执政能力建设的哲学基础
8.Philosophy: From Revolutionary Political Party s to the Ruling Party s--On the Philosophical Debate between "Two Combined into One" and "One Divides into Two";从革命党的哲学到执政党的哲学——兼论“合二而一”与“一分为二”的哲学争论
9.On political productivity: philosophical thinking about strengthening the construction of the CPC administration ability;论政治生产力——关于“加强党的执政能力建设”的哲学思考
10.Development and government responsibility;发展问题与政府责任——“发展是执政兴国第一要务”的哲学解读
11.Deepening the Study of Philosophical Science and Improving the Administrative Quality of the Leading Officers;重视学习哲学社会科学知识 提高领导干部的执政素质
12.The Practice of the Scientific Concept of Development with the Chinese Communist Party's Ability to Govern the Construction of Philosophy学习实践科学发展观与党的执政能力建设哲学解读
13.Exercising the State Power according to the Law Is the Correct Choice for Ruling Party S Scientific Administration;依法执政:执政党执政方式的科学化
14.Be in power with scientific methods、democraticmethods and be in power by laws;解读科学执政、民主执政、依法执政
15.The Foundation Stone of Philosophy of Chinese Communist Party Coming into Power:Productivity Criterion-- - Consecrated to the Sixteenth CCP National People s Congress;中共执政的哲学基石:生产力标准——献给中共十六大
16.The Philosophical and the Political Connotation of the Anthropocentrism --on the Anthropocentrism Ruling Philosophy which Embodied Adequatly in the WenChuan Earthquake以人为本的哲学内涵与政治学内涵——兼论抗震救灾充分体现“以人为本”执政理念
17.PPE (Philosophy Ploitics Economics)哲学、政治学、经济学统称
18.Governing Scientifically,Democratically and by Law: Dialectical Unify;论科学执政、民主执政和依法执政之辩证统一

philosophy of governing执政哲学
1.The concept of scientific development: a scientic concept of politics as a philosophy of governing;科学发展观:作为执政哲学的科学的政治观
3)philosophy of home economics家政哲学
4)political philosopher"政治"哲学家
5)Philospher and Politician政治家与哲学家
6)The virtuous and the wise take rule of the state贤哲执政

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀