重估一切价值,the reevaluation of all the values
1)the reevaluation of all the values重估一切价值
1.Lu Xun s endearment to the owl is a reasonable and selected kind of affection: for one thing, the main characteristics of the owl are beneficial to reflect Lu Xun s thoughts, and for another, it is also a correction of the reversed attitude towards the value, implying Nietzschean thought of "the reevaluation of all the values". 鲁迅对猫头鹰的钟爱,是一种理性的、有选择的爱:一方面,猫头鹰身上的主要特征有利于投射其重要思想;另一方面,这也是有意识地将被颠倒的价值观念重新颠倒过来,暗合着尼采提出的"重估一切价值"思想。

1.The Main Clue of Nietzsche's Philosophy:Revaluation of All Values Based on the Standard of the Will to Power尼采哲学思想的主轴:以权力意志为准则重估一切价值
2.A Try to Re-evaluate All:A study of born on Savigny's revolution of conflict law重估一切价值的尝试:萨维尼冲突法革命发生学之究竟
3.Assessment of the "Re-assessment of All Values";评五四新青年的“重新估定一切价值”
4.Never underestimate the value of loyalty. Loyalty has always been rated as one of the most desired qualities in friends.切勿低估忠诚的价值忠诚一直被列为朋友间最重要的品质之一。
5.forcing one to re-examine and reevaluate its merits迫使一个人重新检讨并重新估计它的价值
6.Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.珍视你自己的感情,切勿低估它的价值。
7."Being Academic" or "Being Literary and Artistic"?--The Re-assessment of Value and History of the Ballad Movement;“学术的”还是“文艺的”?——歌谣运动的价值重估与历史再评价之一
8.Contingent Valuation Method:An Approach of Non-market Valuation Technique;条件价值评估:一种非市场的价值评估技术
9.To overstate the value of(assets).对资产高估过高估评(一笔资产)的价值
10.We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.我们一般倾向于把金钱看得过重而低估艺术的价值。
11.A reassessment of the status and value of Liu Yi Shi Huain Chinese poetics;话体文学批评的肇端——重估《六一诗话》的诗学地位及价值
12.The value of blank verse should not be overestimated;不应高估"无韵诗"的诗学价值——重新评估"无韵诗
13.an exaggerated estimate of your own value and importance.过高地估计自己的价值和重要性。
14.Research and Value Reevaluating of Laozi and Taoist Classic;老子及《道德经》的研究与价值重估
15.Judgement on Property Right and Re-assessed Valuation of Country Power Supply Assets;农村供电资产的产权界定与价值重估
16.Wang Fu's People-Based Thinking and Its Revaluation Value王符民本思想的再发现及其价值重估
17.The valuation of the assets of a business firm beyond their real value.高估一公司超过其实际价值的资产估价
18.We may need to take stock again of the value of dreams, and to make an assessment concerning dreams in general.我们可能需要重新估量梦的价值,并在一般意义上作出关于梦的评估。

Revaluation of all values重估一切
1.However,Nietzsche s comments on science are part of his revaluation,whose "active nihilism" endows science with new value and meaning,that is,his revaluation of science from the perspective of art and life.但是,对科学的评价也是尼采的价值重估的一部分,他的"积极的虚无主义"要求科学具有新的价值和意义,即从艺术和生命的视角对科学重新评价。
4)value reevaluation价值重估
1.After disappointed with the alienated capitalist society,with attitudes of value reevaluation and negating real society,Nietzsche negates the thoughts and morals of ruling class of that time by power will to the extent of profaning the holiness of religion and encouraging the vitality of human,and takes this as core idea for beauty and art.尼采是在对资本主义的异化社会特别失望之后,以价值重估的否定现实社会的态度,用权力意志去否定当时统治阶级的思想道德,以至亵渎宗教的神圣,张扬人的战斗的生命力,并以此作为他对待美与艺术的核心思想。
6)reevaluate its significance and position地位价值重估

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分