意义决定论,Meaning Finitism
1)Meaning Finitism意义决定论
2)determinism of ideology意识形态决定论
1.MAO Ze-dong put forward his important thought about the determinism of ideology by sticking to the Marxist basic principle of ideology and combining with China s actual reality.毛泽东坚持马克思主义意识形态学说的基本原则,同时结合中国的具体实际,提出了"意识形态决定论"的重要思想。

1.MAO Ze-dong s Thoughts about Determinism of Ideology and Its Theoretical Value;毛泽东“意识形态决定论”思想及其理论价值
2.Andre Lefevere s Ideology-governed Translation Studies and Its Exposition;从损华翻译看意识形态决定论的解释力
3.The polysemy of the concept of ideology decides on the polyphonic methodology in the study of ideological literary theory.意识形态概念的多义性决定了意识形态文论研究的复调方法论。
4.hardcore ideologists坚定的意识形态主义者
5.Ideology theory and contemporary China s ideology theoretical research;意识形态理论与当代中国意识形态理论研究
6.Ideologization of Ideology--A Study on Ideology in Terms of Postmodern Theory意识形态的意识形态化——后现代理论视域中的意识形态考察
7.The Theory of Marist Ideology and the Building of China Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与中国意识形态建设
8.Ideology as the Fantasy: On Ideology Theory of Slavoj Zizek;作为幻象的意识形态:齐泽克意识形态理论研究
9.Ideology s Economic Function--Probe into North s Ideology Theory;意识形态的经济功能——诺斯的意识形态理论探析
10.The Discussing on the Scientification of Ideology and the Scientific Ideology;论意识形态的科学性和科学化的意识形态
11.Identification and implications of the text of The Deutsch Ideology《德意志意识形态》的文本认定及其意义
12.Still, the war was part of“ the decisive ideological struggle of our time”.这场战争,仍然作为其部分构成“我们时代决定性的意识形态之争”。
13.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起
14.Ecological Crisis Consciousness of Technological Civilized Society;技术文明社会的生态危机意识——评法兰克福学派的科技决定论
15.The Study on the Dress Style of Underwear and the Ideology Based on the Economy;论内衣穿着形式与社会经济意识形态
16.Covert Hand:On the Influence of Ideology upon Translation;隐形的手:论意识形态对翻译的影响
17.Reflections on the Ownership Theory in Book "German Ideology《德意志意识形态》的所有制理论梳理
18.Theoretical Research on Divison of Labor and Individuality Theory in Die Deutsche Ideologie;《德意志意识形态》分工与个性理论研究

determinism of ideology意识形态决定论
1.MAO Ze-dong put forward his important thought about the determinism of ideology by sticking to the Marxist basic principle of ideology and combining with China s actual reality.毛泽东坚持马克思主义意识形态学说的基本原则,同时结合中国的具体实际,提出了"意识形态决定论"的重要思想。
3)meaning uncertainty意义不确定论
1.The meaning uncertainty of the deconstruction denies the author s intention by sentencing him to death,whereas theories of translation indebted to deconstruction acclaim the birth of the translator at the cost of the author s death.解构主义意义不确定论以宣称作者死亡来否定作者意图,与这一思潮一脉相承的解构主义翻译论则以作者死亡,译者诞生来强化译者的能动作用。
4)epochal decisions有重大意义的决定
5)Context Decides Sentence Meaning语境决定语句意义
6)Free Will and Determinism自由意志与决定论

意义1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。