自然因果性,natural causality
1)natural causality自然因果性
1.To respond to the dilemma Hume raised about the relationship between freedom and causality,Kant proposed two types of causality, that is, natural causality and free causality.为了应对休谟关于自由与因果性之间的困境,康德提出了两种因果性概念,即自然因果性和自由因果性。
2)Natural causal chain自然因果链
3)natural l aw of causation自然因果律
4)causal necessity因果必然性
1.The development of genetics plays a great part in the recognition of causal necessity.当代生物学的研究对非线性因果关系影响重大 ,遗传科技的发展对因果必然性的重新认识起了重要作用。

1.Study and Aralysis of Necessity of Cause and Effect--Based on the D. Hume and R. Carnap s Research of Causality;因果必然性探析——结合休谟、卡尔纳普因果研究的考察
2.The Linguistic Analysis of Hume s Argumentation on Non-Necessity of Causal Relations;对休谟因果关系非必然性论证的语言分析
3.Catholicity of Calligraphy, for example, it contains time, space, movement, cause and effect, inevitability, orderliness.书法的普遍性,如空间,时间,运动,因果性,必然性,规律性。
4.The gene-base for adaptability must be increased.适应性的基因基性必然会有所增加。
5.Analysis on Causes of the Formation of Flourishing Age of Kangxi and Qianlong--Discussion of Historical Necessity and Contingency;康乾盛世成因蠡析——兼论历史必然性与偶然性
6.It logically follows, therefore, that any endorsement on a bearer bill, even if the endorsement is fraudulent, can be ignored.因此从逻辑上其结果必然是无记名汇票上的任何背书,即使背书是欺诈性的,也可以置之不理。
7.a philosophical doctrine holding that all events are inevitable consequences of antecedent sufficient causes; often understood as denying the possibility of free will.哲学理论认为一切事物都是足够前因的必然结果;常被认为是否定了自由意志的可能性。
8.The Inevitability and Urgency of University Science and Technology Achievement Transformation in China;试论我国高校科技成果转化的必然性和紧迫性
9.If fortuitous causality in criminal law is not tenable, necessary causality in criminal law itself is an issue.如果刑法偶然因果关系难以成立,则刑法必然因果关系本身也是有问题的。
10.Nature holds no grief for the human experiment: it must stand or fall by its results.大自然没有使人的实验保持不幸:它必然因其结果而成功或失败。
11.Where there's reed, there's heat.有烟必有火,有果必有因。
12.Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Objective Necessity of Assimilating the Achievement of Human Civilization;邓小平论吸收借鉴人类文明成果的客观必然性
13.For if everything must have a cause, why does not God require one for His own existence?如果万物必然有其成因,那么,为什么上帝自身的存在不需要成因呢?
14.Logical Truth and Quines Censure to Analyticity and Necessity;论逻辑真理及蒯因对分析性和必然性的责难
15.the necessary consequences of one's actions.自己行为的必然结果。
16.the natural sequence to [for] folly愚笨行为的必然结果
17.Inevitability for the Emergence of "Female Heroines" in A Dream of Red Mansions;试论《红楼梦》“脂粉英雄”产生的必然性成因
18."So that men will say, Truly there is a reward for righteousness; truly there is a God who is judge on the earth."因此,人必说,义人诚然有善报。在地上果有施行判断的神。

Natural causal chain自然因果链
3)natural l aw of causation自然因果律
4)causal necessity因果必然性
1.The development of genetics plays a great part in the recognition of causal necessity.当代生物学的研究对非线性因果关系影响重大 ,遗传科技的发展对因果必然性的重新认识起了重要作用。
5)free causality自由因果性
1.To respond to the dilemma Hume raised about the relationship between freedom and causality,Kant proposed two types of causality, that is, natural causality and free causality.为了应对休谟关于自由与因果性之间的困境,康德提出了两种因果性概念,即自然因果性和自由因果性。
6)Green natural property果岭自然属性

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