私人语言论题,Private language proposition
1)Private language proposition私人语言论题
2)the argument against"private language"反"私人语言"论证
3)Private language私人语言
1.Wittgenstein gives the argument against private language ,but according to the position given in this paper,his argument is not convincing enough.维特根斯坦首先提出了反“私人语言”论证。
2.Based on the literature review and discussion of private language proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein,this paper offers some philosophical thinking about the possibility and difficulty of translation(interpretation especially).本文在对维特根斯坦的私人语言论题进行了回顾和讨论的基础上,对语言翻译(特别是口译)的可能性及困难进行了哲学思考,并认为语言本身或者文化上"私人性"过强的部分往往会产生"可译性"问题。
3." This essay mainly discusses Wittgenstein’s private language.本文主要探讨维特根斯坦的私人语言问题,即私人语言,其实质仍然是一种传统的主体性哲学的延续。

1.The Funeral of Private Language--Wittgenstein's Anti-Private Language Argument私人语言的葬礼——维特根斯坦反私人语言论证
2.The "Pronunciation" of Language--Wittgenstein on Private Language and Common Language;语言的“发音”过程——维特根斯坦论“私人语言”与共同语言
3.Wittgenstein’s Argument About Private Language in the Philosophical Investigations;《哲学研究》中关于“私人语言”的论证
4.Inquiring to the Topic of Wettgenstein’s Argument of Anti-Private Language;维特根斯坦反“私人语言”论证主旨
5.Private Language and Indirect Language:On the Problem of Expression in La prose du monde;从“私人语言”到“间接语言”——深入理解《世界的散文》中的“表达”难题
6.Argument on Private Language from Wittgenstein s Perspective of Mind;维特根斯坦心灵视域下的私人语言论证
7.Moving out of the Plight of "Monologue" -- On Wittgenstein’s Private Language;走出“独白”困境——论维特根斯坦的私人语言问题
8.An Interpretation of Wittgenstein s Argument Against "Private Language";对维特根斯坦反“私人语言”论证的一种解释
9.Regulations Are the Comprehension of the Past--Wittgenstein’s Discussion on “Private Language”;规则是对“过去的”理解——维特根斯坦论“私人语言
10.Reflection of Different Thought on Language;哲学范型的转换——关于私人语言的个案研究
11.Wittgenstein s "Private Language" Paradox and His Skeptical Solution;维特根斯坦的“私人语言”悖论及其怀疑论解决方案
12.On the Dilemma of Modern Art from the End of Private Language and Egotism;从维特根斯坦私人语言及唯我论的破灭看当代艺术的困境
13.Interpretation on Three Distinctions and Eight Modes in Wittgenstein's Private Language解读维特根斯坦私人语言中的三个区分和八种样式
14.The Assumptions and Problems on Obeying the Rules and Public TestsOn -the Problems about Wittgenstein s Personal Language;“遵从规则”与“公共检验”的预设及其问题——论维特根斯坦的私人语言问题
15.In other words, language is not necessarily the private property of those who use it.也就是说:语言不一定是讲这一语言的人的私有财产。
16.Research the Address in Private Letters in Sociolinguistics during the Recent History of about One Hundred Years (1919-2006);近百年来私人书信中称呼语的社会语言学考察(1919—2006)
17.The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Greeting Words at the End of Private Correspondences of the Last 100 Years (1919-2009)近百年来私人书信末尾祝颂语的社会语言学分析(1919-2009)
18.Gossip is derogatory and refers to talk about the private lives of other people, often of a critical kind.流言蜚语是贬义词,指议论他人的私生活,常有挑剔性质。

the argument against"private language"反"私人语言"论证
3)Private language私人语言
1.Wittgenstein gives the argument against private language ,but according to the position given in this paper,his argument is not convincing enough.维特根斯坦首先提出了反“私人语言”论证。
2.Based on the literature review and discussion of private language proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein,this paper offers some philosophical thinking about the possibility and difficulty of translation(interpretation especially).本文在对维特根斯坦的私人语言论题进行了回顾和讨论的基础上,对语言翻译(特别是口译)的可能性及困难进行了哲学思考,并认为语言本身或者文化上"私人性"过强的部分往往会产生"可译性"问题。
3." This essay mainly discusses Wittgenstein’s private language.本文主要探讨维特根斯坦的私人语言问题,即私人语言,其实质仍然是一种传统的主体性哲学的延续。
4)language of the private law私法语言
1.Understanding the dimensions of the criminal law language requires for attention to the relations of the same words among language of the criminal law,everyday usage and language of the private law.理解刑法语言的向度,应该注意刑法语言与日常用语、私法语言以及刑法内部同一语词的关系。
5)privacy discourse私人言说
1.In her fiction,the crazy desire standing for the rational thinking,another present-experience upsetting completly tradtion,graphic trend 、femal privacy discourse owing to her,who borned in 1970s,expressing a moods of century end.她以欲望狂欢替代理性思考,以另类的当下体验彻底颠覆传统,平面化、颓废、女性私人言说是这位七十年代作家世纪末情绪的特色。
6)speech privacy语言私密度
1.At present, the research work is focused on speech privacy.目前,国际上的研究主要围绕语言私密度问题展开。

私人1.古时称公卿﹑大夫或王室的家臣。 2.亲戚朋友或以私交﹑私利相依附的人。 3.通奸的情人。 4.个人。对公家而言。