价值之思,axiological thinking
1)axiological thinking价值之思
2)knowledge of value价值之学
3)value reflection价值反思

1.Value Reflection and Construct of China s Social Credit in the Period of Transform;转型期社会诚信的价值反思及其建构
2.The Value of "Imitating and Reciting" in the L2 Acquisition;“模仿、背诵”在二语习得中的价值反思
3.Value Orientation of Reflection and Preparation of Reflective Teacher;反思的价值取向与反思型教师的培养
4.A Self-examination of Introspection Teaching and Its Value;对反思性教学及反思型教学价值的反思
5.The Wrong Orientation and Reflection of the University Teaching Evaluation in China;我国大学教学评价的价值错位及反思
6.The New Thought of The Definition of The Vaue And Exchange Value--Reflection about Marx s Labour Value;对"价值"和"交换价值"规定性的新认识——对马克思劳动价值学说的反思
7.Reflecting Theory of Governing with Moral Historically And Considering the Inherent Value Modernly;"德治"思想的历史反思与价值内化的现代思考
8.Transformation and Surpass: Reflection on Developmental Value of Classroom Teaching;变革与超越:课堂教学发展价值的反思
9.Value-Specific Genre and Translations: Cultural Fractures Reconsidered;价值特定文类与译品:文化断裂反思
10.On Reflection the Idea and the Values of the Limitation of Evidence Production System;关于举证期限制度理念与价值的反思
11.Anthropological Research Value of Chinese Ancient Ideology;反观中国古代思想的人类学研究价值
12.The Perception and Meditation of College Students Orientation of Values in the New Period;新时期大学生价值取向透视及其反思
13.The Value and Reflection of Government Behavior:“Demolishing the Illegal Buildings”;“大拆违”——政府行为的价值与反思
14.Reflecting on Moral Story of ‘ Wolf Comes in the Viewof Value Criticism;反思“狼来了——道德故事型的价值批评”
15.The Theory of Concept-Determined Value and the Review on Northeastern Phenomena;观念决定价值论与“东北现象”的反思
16.Rational Reflection on "Length and Breadth Unity Theory";“纵横统一论”科学价值之理性反思
17.Reflections on the Value Orientation to China s Reform of Household Registration System;对我国户籍制度改革价值取向的反思
18.Reflections on the Educational Value of "Teacher is the Engineer of Peop1e s Soul;“人类灵魂工程师”的教育价值观反思

knowledge of value价值之学
3)value reflection价值反思
4)value thinking价值思维
1.From the object of pilosophy,the common ground betweentrue and value and the substantiality of the value thinking,we can prove that thevalue thinking can be applied to all fileds on practice universally.从哲学的对象、真理与价值的共同性、价值思维的实质这三个角度来看,价值思维是普适于实践的诸领域的,因而是具有普适性的哲学思维方式。
5)thought value思想价值
1.This article analyzes from the views on mind and matter to the intention and substance of his spirit of freedom,then to research for the thought value and revelation of modern times of Chuang Tzu.本文通过对庄子心物观分析,旨在使人们进一步认识庄子自由精神的内涵和实质,进而探求庄子自由观的思想价值和现代启示。
6)ideological value思想价值
1.Mao Zedong Thought s knowledge value,moral value and ideological value embody its character of the times and they are also importan.毛泽东思想的知识价值、道德价值、思想价值体现了其时代性,是强化毛泽东思想教育教学现实性的重要内容。
2.Therefore,the novel is of great ideological value.它采用笔记体的形式,站在汉民族立场上,搜罗宋明两代毁于“髡胡”的遗事,激发民众的民族气节,有很高的思想价值;它灵活驾驭复杂的材料,显示了娴熟的叙事技巧,具有很高的文学价值;而保留的大量资料和贯穿其中的严谨科学的态度,又使它具备了相当的史料价值。
3.This paper, from two aspects of affection and perspective of women, discusses the ideological value of Zhu Shu-zhen (朱淑真) s poetry specifically and objectively, which helps her acquire the deserved position and evaluation on the Chinese literary stage.本文试图站在女性本位的角度,从朱淑真独特的爱情观、视野两方面探讨其诗词的思想价值,探隐索微,持公论正,给予她在我国文坛上应得的地位和评价。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分