认识你自己,Knowing Yourself
1)Knowing Yourself认识你自己
1.Philosophical Spirit and Humanity Significance in "Knowing Yourself"“认识你自己”的哲学精神与人文意义

1.Knowing Yourself:History and Self-Recognition of Human;认识你自己:历史学与人的自我认识
2."Know yourself":an important in proposition Pedagogy;“认识你自己”:一个重要的教育学命题
3.Understanding Yourself-Reflection from Religion to Philosophy;认识你自己——从宗教到哲学的反思
4.Contemporary China and Socrates s“kown yourself”;当代中国与苏格拉底的“认识你自己
5.Philosophical Spirit and Humanity Significance in "Knowing Yourself"“认识你自己”的哲学精神与人文意义
6.Recognize Yourself--Studies on the Mythologies of Gun s Controlling Water and Oedipus;认识你自己——《鲧治水》与《俄狄浦斯王》之比较
7.An Exploration into "Know yourself" of Socrates and value to subjects;试论苏格拉底“认识你自己”及其对主体的意义
8.Recognizing Yourselves: Four Dimensions of Ethical Perspective of Human Nature;认识你自己——关于人的伦理思考的四个维度
9.Know Yourself": An Essential Topic of the Research of Literature and Art;“认识你自己”:一个文艺学研究的根本命题
10.Mirror, Self and Reflection;镜子、自我与反思——从名画《阿尔诺芬尼夫妇》看“认识你自己
11.If you realize you are in error, you should admit it.如果你认识到自己错了,就应该承认它。
12.You project what you think you are outward into flesh.你将你对自己的认识向外投射进肉身。
13.You should learn to accept your own uniqueness.你要学着认识到自己的独一无二。
14.Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.追求和了解一位新朋友,并希望人家了解你,先要完善自己,认识自己。
15.Guest: Are you telling me I don't know my own brother?你是在说我连自己的亲兄弟都不认识吗?
16.Do you have a high opinion of yourself, a good regard for you?你对自己有一种较高的评价,一种好的认识吗?
17.He came to realize that he was mistaken.他终于认识到自己错了。
18.I am sensible of my error.我认识到自己的错误了。

have a true understanding of themselves认识自己
3)see one's mistake; realize one's mistake认识自己的错误
4)realize one's mistake认识到自己的错误

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