唯物辩证法和唯物史观,the materialistic dialectics and the historical materialism
1)the materialistic dialectics and the historical materialism唯物辩证法和唯物史观
1.In this paper,the author will analyse the logic channel of these two "birthplace"from the aspects of alienation and the labor alienation、the human nature、the practical view、the materialistic dialectics and the historical materialism.本文试从异化与异化劳动、人的本质、实践观、唯物辩证法和唯物史观等四个方面,分析这两个"诞生地"之间紧密的逻辑关系。
2)historical materialism and materialist dialectics唯物史观和辩证法
3)A Dialectical Materialistic Point of View辩证唯物史观
4)dialectical materialism and historical materialism method辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义法
1.But nowadays dialectical materialism and historical materialism method should be still symphasized and some new ones like trend process method and comprehensive integrated method of combining quantitation and qualititation should be adopted.历史地理学的研究方法有传统的历史法和地理法,仍要强调的是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义法,创新的动态过程法,定性与定量结合的综合集成法。
5)materialist dialectic view唯物辩证观
1.The materialist dialectic view of sustainable development is diecussed from the view of philosophy in this paper.本文从哲学的观点论述了可持续发展的唯物辩证观。
6)dialectical materialist perspective辩证唯物观
1.This article elaborates the dialectical materialist perspective of Freud s psychoanalysis on the basis of his structuring of mind,aiming to make clear its r.本文将通过弗洛伊德的心之结构来阐述其精神分析学的辩证唯物观,以便明晰其与马克思的对话关系。

1.The development of the dialectical materialistic viewpoint in the course of physics teaching;寓辩证唯物观的培养于物理教学之中
2.The Dialectical Materialist Perspective of Freud s Psychoanalysis;论弗洛伊德精神分析学之辩证唯物观
3.dialectical materialist view of nature辩证唯物主义自然观
4.Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge, and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing.这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论,这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观。
5.Dialectical Materialism as Scientific Concept of Development by Lenin;列宁论作为科学发展观的唯物辩证法
6.Discussion on dialectical materialist point of view in chemical teaching;浅谈化学教学中的辩证唯物主义观点
7.Dialectics of Nature and The Materialist Interpretation of History;恩格斯的《自然辩证法》和唯物史观
8.An Elementary Introduction on Implying the Views on Dialectical Materialism When Teaching Physics;浅谈寓辩证唯物主义观点教育于物理教学之中
9.The Essence of Information in the Materialistic Outlook of Substance;辩证唯物主义物质观视野中的信息本质
10.Cultivating Students Philosophy Point of Dialectical Materialism by Physics Teaching;通过物理教学培养学生的辩证唯物主义哲学观
11.The Introduction of Materialistic Dialectics into China and MAPei's Concept of Dialectical Logic19世纪20-30年代唯物辩证法的传入与马佩先生的辩证逻辑观
12.Observe Some Questions in Wushu Using the Viewpoints of Materialism;用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点看武术科研中的几个问题
13.First, in world outlook, that is, in materialism and dialectics;一,在世界观,就是唯物论和辩证法方面发展了它;
14.Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts,1844:Macroscopic Materialist Conception of History and Dialectics of the Practice;《1844年经济学哲学手稿》:大唯物史观与实践辩证法
15.A Tentative Analysis of the Two Forming Phases about the Dialectical Materialism s View of Nature;辩证唯物主义自然观形成过程的两阶段
16.People-oriented the fundamental principles of world outlook of dialectical materialism;以人为本——辩证唯物主义世界观的根本原则
17.Comparison between System Science and Materialistic Dialectics on Development View;系统论与唯物辩证法发展观的比较研究
18.Progressing with the times:a requirement and a realization of the world s view in dialectic materialism;与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现

historical materialism and materialist dialectics唯物史观和辩证法
3)A Dialectical Materialistic Point of View辩证唯物史观
4)dialectical materialism and historical materialism method辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义法
1.But nowadays dialectical materialism and historical materialism method should be still symphasized and some new ones like trend process method and comprehensive integrated method of combining quantitation and qualititation should be adopted.历史地理学的研究方法有传统的历史法和地理法,仍要强调的是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义法,创新的动态过程法,定性与定量结合的综合集成法。
5)materialist dialectic view唯物辩证观
1.The materialist dialectic view of sustainable development is diecussed from the view of philosophy in this paper.本文从哲学的观点论述了可持续发展的唯物辩证观。
6)dialectical materialist perspective辩证唯物观
1.This article elaborates the dialectical materialist perspective of Freud s psychoanalysis on the basis of his structuring of mind,aiming to make clear its r.本文将通过弗洛伊德的心之结构来阐述其精神分析学的辩证唯物观,以便明晰其与马克思的对话关系。
