感性解放,perceptual liberation
1)perceptual liberation感性解放
1.only if the perceptual liberation is achieved,can human beings fully possess the essences of their own.关于人的感性解放思想是马克思共产主义学说的核心内容,是马克思哲学思想变革的基础。

1.Liberation of Eros and Liberation of Sensibility--A Comparison of the Theory on Human Liberation by Marcuse and Marx爱欲解放和感性解放——马尔库塞和马克思关于人的解放理论比较
2.Perceptual Liberation Thought in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844)论《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的感性解放思想
3.Relief and Liberation of Feelings--Feminism in the works of Qiongyao;情感的救赎与解放——琼瑶作品中的女性主义
4.Sexy Models and Liberated Soul--Feminism and the Design of Bikini;性感的样式 解放的灵魂——女权运动与比基尼设计
5.induced natural radionuclide感生天然放射性核素
6.factors affecting radio sensitivity影响放射敏感性的因素
7.He believes very strongly in female emancipation.他坚定主张女性解放。
8.Feminism·Marxism·Woman Liberation;Feminism·马克思主义·女性解放
9.The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university.毕业时学生感觉从大学里解放了出来。
10.Arc Discharge in the Vacuum Induction Melting and its A voidance真空感应熔炼中弧光放电及解决办法
11.The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde: Change from Liberation of Sensory to Sexual Indulgence王尔德童话:从感官解放到纵欲的嬗变
12.Lu Xun s and Hu Shi s Talks on Women s Liberation;“解放了社会,也就解放了自己”——鲁迅、胡适论女性解放
13.From Political Emancipation to Gender Emancipation--On the Buildup of the Theory of Chinese Women s Emancipation;从政治解放到性别解放——论中国妇女解放理论构建
14.Reading toward the Text of Sexual Liberation:Stone Butch Bluse;性别解放文本《蓝调石墙 T》解读
15.Clinical Study on Individual Radiotherapy for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma of High Radiation-Sensitivity放射敏感鼻咽癌个体化放射治疗的可行性研究
16.The radiosensitivity of hTERT promoter enhanced by radiosensitive enhancer E6放射诱导型增强子E6可提高hTERTp的放射敏感性
17.They rejoiced with the liberated people.他们和被解放的人民一道感到欢欣鼓舞。
18.The Complex of Thanksgiving in Lao She s Drama after Liberation;论老舍解放后戏剧创作中体现的感恩情结

sensation liberation感觉解放
1.From the viewpoint of sensation liberation, following the train of thought of human and human object coming into being in activity, with the fundamental judgement of aesthetic possibility depending on acquisition of objectives and the loss of objectives, Marx s Aesthetics have been established relation between aesthetics and human reality life.马克思美学以人的感觉解放为起点 ,以人与他的对象在活动中生成为主线 ,以占有对象与失去对象为审美能否发生的基本判断 ,把美学与人的现实生活活动联系起来。
3)women's liberation女性解放
4)individuality liberation个性解放
1.Disciples of the Zhang School and the modern thoughts of individuality liberation;章门弟子与近代个性解放思潮
2.As the representative person in the aesthetic movements in the latter of Ming Dynasty,years Li Zhi preached his opinion of individuality liberation through his theory of "innocent mind".作为晚明美学思潮的代表性人物 ,李贽通过“童心说”揭起了个性解放的大旗。
3.So the individuality liberation,the female liberation and society liberation is the essence of May 4th literature which is the starting of the modern literature.五四时代是一个启蒙与救亡并存的时代,因此,作为现代文学发轫的五四文学,个性解放、女性解放、社会解放就成为其基本主题。
5)women liberation女性解放
1.The state of rural women liberation during the "17-year" period is thoroughly viewed by the novel "A Story of LI Shuang-shuang".她们享有了在政治、经济和法律上与男人平等的地位,并第一次大规模地从家门迈出,这是中国女性解放史上前所未有的巨大变革。
2.At the same time, the misfortune and resistance of these young women show us it was the only way to build independent and equal society and awake modern culture consciousness for the women liberation.同时,这些青年女性的遭遇和抗争,也昭示出树立独立、平等和人的觉醒的现代文化意识才是女性解放的必由之路。
3.The up-rising of the modern women liberation movement brought the prosperity of women literature, while the voice of liberation is full of anxiety instead of pleasure.对于现代女性来说,它更指一种在新的历史机遇下,女性面对女性解放这一关系自身生存命题时所产生的一种既追求又惧怕,既欣喜又悲哀,既希望又失望的复杂情绪。
6)emancipatory rationality解放理性

感性指属于感觉、知觉等心理活动的(跟‘理性 ’相对):~认识 。