意识观,consciousness views
1)consciousness views意识观
1.According to the philosophy thinking of his 3D ontology method,Sartre forms his existentialism consciousness views and the ego views;on the basis of the philosophy thinking of his 3D ontology method,comparing the former consciousness views and the ego views,his present ones made a tremendous propulsion.萨特基于他的三维本体论的哲学思维方法,形成了他的存在主义意识观和自我观,他的意识观和自我观较以前哲学家的意识观和自我观作出了一个极大的推进,反驳了胡塞尔之前的自我先验性,并解决了一些以往哲学上无法逃避却又无法解决的问题,他的哲学方法和意识观、自我观无论在观点上还是在方法上都值得我们借鉴。

1.System Consciousness--the Inheritance and Development of the Marxist Philosophy Consciousness系统意识观——马克思主义哲学意识观的继承和新发展
2.The Being Over-passed of the "Reduction Theory" and the Marxism Conception of Consciousnes;“还原论”的超越和马克思主义的意识观
3.View of communism in "German Ideology";《德意志意识形态》中的共产主义观
4.The Scientific Philosophical Idea in German Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的科学法哲学观
5.Object consciousness, self-consciousness and its objectivity: a rethinking;对象意识与自我意识及其客观性:一个再思考
6.The Ideological Characteristics of Curriculum Knowledge;课程知识的意识形态特征——兼论一种科学的意识形态课程观
7.On Reconstruction of Curriculum Knowledge Meaning under the Vision of Knowledge View Transition;知识观转型视野下课程知识意义的重建
8.On Ideological Characters of Curriculum and its Objectivity;试析课程知识的意识形态特征与客观性
9.Tito was conscious that some bystanders were laughing at them.蒂托意识到有一些旁观者在笑话他们。
10.the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion.有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。
11.The crowd began to shout, but the matador was unaware of the danger.观众大哗,但斗牛士却没有意识到危险。
12.The crowd Began to shout, But the drunk was unaware of the danger观众大哗,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。
13.a person who becomes aware of through the senses.通过感观能够意识明白的人。
14.The ideology of the political left.左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
15.On the Ideology & Objectivity of Social Sciences论社会科学的意识形态性和客观性
16.On the Historical Consciousness and Heroic Outlook of Aeneid试论《埃涅阿斯纪》的历史意识和英雄观
17.Strengthen the Aim Consciousness of the Party, Establish Correct Power View坚定党的宗旨意识,树立正确的权力观
18.Exploration of He Spirit and Competition Awareness in Corporate Culture;企业文化下和谐观与竞争意识的探讨

Conscious observation意识观察
3)subjective consciousness主观意识
1.It was Hegel who first showed a possible way to social actuality in philosophical terms via sharp critiques of subjective consciousness and its external reflection.黑格尔通过对主观意识及其外部反思的尖锐批判,第一次在哲学上揭示出理解社会现实的可能路径。
2.This paper does research from analyzing the consciousness of Self-defense,and tries to make an inquiry into the subjective consciousness of legitimate self-defense,over-d.主观条件是正当防卫的重要构成条件之一,正当防卫主观意识、变化了的防卫意识可以导致防卫过当。
4)landscape awareness景观意识
1.The paper holds that landscape awareness should be taken into account in outdoor advertising,which falls into integrity awareness,personalization awareness and field awareness.针对目前我国户外广告发展中出现的破环城市景观的状况,本文提出户外广告设计应具有景观意识,具体表现为整体性意识、个性化意识和场所意识三个方面。
5)life pessimistic consciousness悲观意识
1.The writer has described the character s heart world with one kind of poetizing language,so that the author s life pessimistic consciousness has been conveyed calmly by character s psychological activity,and the author s sorrowful thinking of life has been expressed in the natural and gracefu.它以一种诗化的语言抒写了人物的内在心境,使作者的生命悲观意识通过人物的心理活动不动声色地表现出来,一种对于生命的悲哀思索在自然优雅的状态中得以抒发,让读者在看似低落的心境中体验到心灵世界的神奇韵味。
6)audience consciousness观众意识
1.China drama is well known as a comprehensive art for its abstractive and stylize performance way contrary to its integrity and audience consciousness.中国戏剧作为一门综合艺术 ,其虚拟性和程式化表演方式是尽人皆知的 ,但完整性及观众意识 ,却鲜为人提及。

观察(见科学观察)观察(见科学观察)observation  吝。guaneho观察(observation)见科学观