西塞罗·寇祖,Cesare Cozzo
1)Cesare Cozzo西塞罗·寇祖
1.On Cesare Cozzo's Holism西塞罗·寇祖的整体论思想研究
1.A Comparison Study on the Ideology of Cicero with that of Confucius;西塞罗与孔子思想比较研究
2.Cicero and the Roman Oratory Education;西塞罗与罗马演说术教育

1.Like to like. -- Cicero物以类聚。-- 西塞罗
2.a rendering of Ciceros treatises into English.西塞罗著的英文译文
3.A friend is , as it were, a second self.--Cicero, Ancient Roman statesman可以说,朋友是另一个自我。古罗马政治家西塞罗
4.Birds of a feather flock together. -- Cicero同声相应,同气相求。-- 西塞罗
5.Economy is of itself a great revenue. --Cicero节约本身就是一大笔收入。——西塞罗
6.This attitude was equated with justice by Cicero.西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。
7.Old men are garrulous by nature(Cicero.老人的本性使他们絮絮叨叨(西塞罗)。
8.Economy is of itself a great revenue.-Marcus Tullius Cicero节约本身就是巨大的收益。--西塞罗
9.Comparing Confucius with Cicero on the Social Harmony Ideas;孔子与西塞罗的社会和谐思想之比较
10.On the influence of Cicero's Definition of State to Augustine西塞罗的国家定义对奥古斯丁的影响
11.Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. -- Cicero心灵的疾病比肉体的疾病更危险。——西塞罗
12.A man's own manner and character is what most becomes him. --Cicero人是由自己的风度和品格构成的。——西塞罗
13.The good of the people is the highest law.--Cicero人民的利益应是至高无上的法律。——西塞罗
14.Discussion on Cicero's Inheritance and Development of the Ancient Greek Law Thought论西塞罗对古希腊法律思想的继承和发展
15.We have enrolled every local Cicero.我们把各地西塞罗式的雄辩家都招来了。
16.From Cicero to Augustine:Natural Theology and Its Limitation从西塞罗到奥古斯丁:自然神学及其局限
17.Cicero′s Criticism of the Three Dominant Ethical Theories in the Later Period of Greece;西塞罗对希腊晚期三大伦理体系的批判
18.Two Types of Outlooks on Justice and Two Types of Legislative Spirits--Talking from Cicero;两种正义观与两种立法精神——从西塞罗谈起

1.A Comparison Study on the Ideology of Cicero with that of Confucius;西塞罗与孔子思想比较研究
2.Cicero and the Roman Oratory Education;西塞罗与罗马演说术教育
4)Marcus Tullius Cicero(公元前106~前43)西塞罗,M.T.
5)Ciceronian period西塞罗时期
6)Si-Ro-Set process西罗塞特加工法
