修辞学论理,rhetoric argument philosophy
1)rhetoric argument philosophy修辞学论理
1.The second lies in the thought that philosophy,including rhetoric argument philosophy and logical reasoning philosophy,is the rational censoring of some customs and basic principles accustomed to people.当代西方哲学的第二个特质是认为哲学就是对大家习以为常的习惯、所遵循的那些基本原则进行理性的审查活动,从宏观的方法来分析,可以分为修辞学论理哲学和逻辑论证的哲学。
2)rhetorical theories修辞学理论

1.On Kenneth Burke s Definition of Rhetoric;肯尼斯·伯克新修辞学理论述评:关于修辞的定义
2.Multiple,Cognitive and Interactive Rhetoric Theory;多元性、认知性、互动性的修辞学理论——读《理论修辞学——宏观视野下的大修辞》
3.Inheriting,Developing and Innovating-Comments on Zong Tinghu s Rhetoric;继承 拓展 创新——宗廷虎修辞学理论研究
4."Four Worlds" of Foundation Stone of Theory of Rhetoric;作为修辞学理论基石的“四个世界”
5.A Rhetorical Research Guided by Saussure's Theory--On Cao Dehe's Rhetoric Theory以索绪尔学说指导修辞研究——谈曹德和博士的修辞学理论
6.The rhetoric of science is affected by postmodernism.科学修辞学理论受到了后现代主义的影响。
7.Transformation Trend of Chinese Rhetoric in the Book of Theoretic Rhetoric;从《理论修辞学》看当前中国修辞学转型趋势
8.Developing trends of contemporary western rhetoric;从西方修辞学的新理论看修辞学的发展趋势
9.On Wang Xijie s Contradictory and Unity in the Theory of Three Concept in One System in rhetoric;论王希杰修辞学“三一”理论的对立统一
10.The Course Structure of Culture Rhetoric and Its Theory System;文化修辞学的学科构建及其理论体系
11.Rhetoric Study,Rhetoric History,Rhetoric Review修辞研究、修辞学史和修辞学评论——修辞学研究的几个问题
12.Theory and Practice: Aristotle s Rhetoric;理论与实践:亚里士多德的《修辞学》
13.Western Rhetoric:Foundation for Present-day Language Research;西方修辞学:当今语言研究之理论渊源
14.On the concept of regarding rhetoric as the key link in teaching Chinese as a second language;简论以修辞为纲的对外汉语教学理念
15.On Topos of Classical Rhetoric and Neo-rhetoric;论古典修辞学与新修辞学的“部目”观
16.A Comparative Study of Plato's and Aristotle's Rhetoric Theories柏拉图和亚里士多德:修辞学广狭义之别及修辞理论建构
17.The Rhetoric Modulating Theory:a Construction of Communicative Rhetoric调控修辞理论——交际修辞观的建构
18.A Comparative Study of Rhetoric and Wen Xin Diao Long;《修辞学》与《文心雕龙》论说散文理论同异论

rhetorical theories修辞学理论
3)theoretical rhetoric理论修辞学
1.This article, against the knowledge background of four comprehensive survey works, Jiang(1985), Zhou(1998), Liao(1999),Liu(2001), and based on an amount of literature review; induces three themes of the cotemporary studies on rhetoric of "Ma s Theory of Word", including all kinds of achievements in the field of micro-rhetoric, theoretical rhetoric and applied rhetoric.马氏在微观修辞学领域主要涉及了字的运用、语音节奏的协调、句式的选用 ;在理论修辞学领域涉及了辞格研究 ;在应用修辞学领域涉及了语体风格研究。
4)rhetorical theory修辞理论
5)Zong Tinghu's theory of rhetoric宗廷虎修辞学理论
6)General Discourse of Rhetoric《修辞学通论》
1.The Monument of Rhetoric in China in the 20th Century——the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the General Discourse of Rhetoric;当代中国修辞学的一部力作——纪念王希杰《修辞学通论》出版10周年
