公开运用理性的自由,freedom of publically using reason
1)freedom of publically using reason公开运用理性的自由
1.From the context,the concept of Kant\'s political freedom has three layers:outer freedom of lawyer,individual freedom of citizen and freedom of publically using reason.从文本分析来看,康德政治自由概念包含相互联系的三个层次:即法律的外在自由,公民的个人自由和公开运用理性的自由
2)logical liberty理性的自由
1.Throughout the western political evolution,ethical republic and logical liberty,the two basic components of cultural tradition of western regime,has become the defined pendulum to western governmental function to determine their political orientation,-not only assert ethical republic,but also claim logical liberty.在西方政治发展的过程中,德性的共和、理性的自由构成西方政府制度的两大文化传统。

1."Ru yi bang" and "Jin gu zhou"--from the natural freedom to the rational freedom;“如意棒”与“紧箍咒”——从自然的自由到理性的自由
2.From Sensibility to Sense;从“性理”到“理性”——由民族的自觉谈起
3.Reason and Freedom--On Kant s Philosophy about Subjectivity;理性与自由——论康德的主体性哲学
4.From Freedorm to Liability;由自由达致责任——关于契约自由的内在规定性理论
5.The Intentionality and Behaviour Nature of Free Will--An analysis of free will in 《Principle of Statute Philosophy》;自由意志的意向性与行为性——《法哲学原理》中的自由意志分析
6.Both sexes, therefore, have reason to show off.因此,两性都有理由炫耀自己的魅力。
7.On the judicial supervision of the principle of rationality over administrative discretion;论行政自由裁量权合理性的司法审查
9.Comment on the Kantian Practical Freedom Viewpoint:Reading"Critique of Practical Reason"论康德的实践自由观——读《实践理性批判》
10.On the Change of Practice in Rationalism Freedom──On Konde s Idea of Freedom and Value;理性主义自由观的实践论转向——论康德的自由观及其价值
11.New Legal Thought on Liberty and Rationality--Young Marx’s Study on the Relation between Law and Liberty;新理性自由法思想初探——青年马克思对法律与自由关系的把握
12.The Manchesterism and Rational Choices of the Developing Countries in Trade Liberalization;自由贸易主义与发展中国家贸易自由化的理性抉择
13.Alternative Rationalism:Humanism,Forgiveness Liberalism and Empiricism --Outline of Liberal Ideology of Zhou Zuo-ren;理性的距离:人本、宽容、自由及经验主义──周作人“自由主义”思想概述
14.Responsibility Ethics:Rational Resort in Justly Exercising of Administrative Jurisdiction;责任伦理:自由裁量权公正行使的理性诉求
15.The Metaphysical Dimension of Freedom--A Reunderstanding of Modern Rationalism;自由的形而上学之维——重新理解近代理性主义
16.On the Intermediate Principle of Marx s Philosophy: His Critical Theory of Freedom;论马克思主义哲学的中间原理——批判性自由理论
17.The Impacts of Spin Degree of Freedom on the Material Physics in Correlated Electron System: First-Principles Study自旋自由度对关联电子体系材料物理性质的影响:第一性原理研究
18.On Rationality and Legitimacy of the Judicial Discretion;法官自由裁量权的合理性与合法性研究

logical liberty理性的自由
1.Throughout the western political evolution,ethical republic and logical liberty,the two basic components of cultural tradition of western regime,has become the defined pendulum to western governmental function to determine their political orientation,-not only assert ethical republic,but also claim logical liberty.在西方政治发展的过程中,德性的共和、理性的自由构成西方政府制度的两大文化传统。
3)open house自由雇用,公开参观
4)Using Publicly公开运用
5)the free exercise of intellect;the exercise of an option.智力的自由运用;买卖权的运用
6)liberal and rational person自由理性
1.From these,we can draw forth that person in civil law is liberal and rational person.民法上的人以伦理人为基础,具有追求权利、敢于斗争、自己作为和怀有良知四个显著个性特征,因此,民法上的人是自由理性人。
