1.Phenotype changes of both involucrin and lipid in the scraped epidermal scale and trimmed nail of the patients with resessive lamellar ichthyosis;板层状鱼鳞病患者指甲和鳞屑内皮蛋白及鳞屑类脂的变化
2.Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis complicated with inflammatory linear epidermal nevus and ichthyosis vulgaris;线状和回旋状色素沉着症并发炎性线状表皮痣及寻常性鱼鳞病
3.A pedigree of ichthyosis linearis circumflexa;回旋形线状鱼鳞病一家系调查

1.Diagnosing X-linked Ichthyosis by Monoplast Single-round Duplex PCR单细胞单轮二重PCR诊断X-连锁鱼鳞病
2.Phenotype Changes in the Epidermal Scale and Nail of the Patients with Congenital Ichthyosis;先天性鱼鳞病患者的指甲和鳞屑的表型改变研究
3.Keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness syndrome (KID syndrome) is a rare congenital disorder disease.目的 观察角膜炎、鱼鳞病、耳聋综合征的临床表现。
4.Mapping of a Novel Locus for Ichthyosis Vulgaris at 5p13.3-p12;一个新的寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病位点定位于5p13.3-p12
5.Gene Mapping and FLG Gene Mutation Analysis in Four Ichthyosis Vulgaris Families;四个寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位及FLG基因突变研究
6.MR diagnosis of Keratitis Ichthyosis Deafness syndrome角膜炎·鱼鳞病·耳聋综合征的临床与MR诊断(附1例报告及文献分析)
7.Analysis on the Genotype and Clinical Phenotype Correlations of Four Style Heritage Ichthyosis四种遗传性鱼鳞病基因型与临床表型的相关性分析
8.Expressions of genes associated with growth and differentiation in peripheral blood leukocytes of lamellar ichthyosis patients板层状鱼鳞病患者外周血白细胞生长、分化相关基因的表达
9.Excessive or abnormal dryness of the skin, as in ichthyosis.干皮病皮肤异常或不正常的干燥,如鱼鳞癣
10.fishskin diseaseph.1. 【医】鱼鳞癣
11.Sturgeons and gars are ganoid.鲟鱼和长嘴鱼都是硬鳞鱼。
12.Study on the Extracting Craft of Gelatin from Tilapia Fishskin and Fish Scale;罗非鱼鱼皮、鱼鳞提取明胶的工艺研究
13.scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish.覆盖鱼身体的那种鳞。
14.South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates.身上有鳞甲的南美鲶鱼。
15.A herring's scales are silver in colour.青鱼的鳞是银白色的。
16.Let's scrape the scales off the fish.让我们将鱼鳞刮掉。
17.cowl flap angle整流罩鱼鳞板开启角
18.Clinico-epidemiological features of congenital nonbullous ichthyosifo rm erythroderma in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯西部省区先天性非大疱性鱼鳞状红皮病的临床流行病学特点

1.A case of mycosis fungoides with ichthyosiform lesion as the first presentation;以鱼鳞病样皮损为首发表现的蕈样肉芽肿
2.Objective: To find the possible role of the K1 E477K gene mutation in bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (BCIE).目的研究先天性大疱性鱼鳞病样红皮病(BCIE)患者存在角蛋白K1E477K突变的可能致病途径。
3)Carp dropsy鲤鱼竖鳞病
1.A systematic research had been done on safety of vaccine against carp dropsy,immunological protection and valence,and an oral vaccination was carried out in fishery.对鲤鱼竖鳞病疫苗的安全性、免疫保护力和免疫效价进行了系统性的研究,并进行了口服免疫养殖应用实验。
4)ichthyosis vulgaris寻常型鱼鳞病
1.Double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of lactic acid compound ointment in the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris;复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病随机双盲基质对照多中心临床研究
2.Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris (IV).目的研究一常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病家系的致病基因。
3.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of urea & lactic acid compound ointment for the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris.目的:评价尿素乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病的有效性和安全性。
5)ichthyosis hystrix豪猪状鱼鳞病
1.Pathological observation of ichthyosis hystrix Lambert type with light and electron microscopes;Lambert型豪猪状鱼鳞病的光镜及电镜分析
6)Ichthyosis syndrome鱼鳞病综合征
1.Ichthyosis syndrome is a series of genodermatoses clinically manifested by ichthyosiform lesions.鱼鳞病综合征是一组皮肤症状表现为鱼鳞病样损害的遗传性疾病,大部分由于基因突变引起。

鱼鳞病鱼鳞病 祖国医学称"蛇皮病",一种遗传性皮肤病,一般在出生后不久发生,也有到青年时才发病。表现为皮肤干燥,粗糙,密布鱼鳞样脱屑。以躯体伸侧为重,冬重而夏轻,不妨碍健康。治疗可搽滋润药,但忌用烈性油膏,不宜多用肥皂。