1.Hair dissociative transplant treat the eyelashes coloboma;单株毛发游离移植治疗睫毛缺损
2.Expression of β-catenin on the Eyelash Follicle in Bovine Embryo Development;β-连环蛋白在胎牛睫毛毛囊发育中的表达
3.Temporal-Spatial Expression of Shh and β-catenin during Eyelash Follicle Morphogenesis in Bos grunniens Embryos牦牛睫毛毛囊的形态发生及其Shh与β-catenin的时空表达

1.Of, relating to, or resembling cilia.睫毛的相关或类似睫毛
2."Ciliary: of, relating to, or resembling cilia."睫毛的:相关或类似睫毛的.
3.A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes.睫毛膏一种用于染黑睫毛的化妆品
4.eyelash:any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid.睫毛:长在眼睑上的短毛.
5.Any of the short hairs fringing the edge of the eyelid.睫毛长在眼睑上的短毛
6.She had long eyelashes, and eyes which slanted upward at the corners.长睫毛,眼梢斜撇向上。
7.or or relating to the human eyelash.属于或关于人的睫毛
8.ciliary movement(低级动物的)睫毛运动
9.a grease fire that singed my eyelashes;油焰燎着了我的睫毛
10.emphasize one's eyes with mascara涂睫毛油以使眼廓分明
11.Why women can't put on mascara with rheir mouth closed?为什么女士染睫毛时一定要张着嘴?
12.with a flutter of her long dark eyelashes她那长着又长又黑睫毛的眼睛一眨.
13.His long, feminine eyelashes were very noticeaBle他那长长的,女人似的睫毛很引人注意
14.Hey, Captain, your mascara's running.嘿,上校,你的睫毛膏流掉了。
15.Her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes.她睫毛眨动并睁开了眼睛。
16.The man's eyes closed, and I saw tears hover beneath his lashes.老人的双目紧闭着,泪珠在睫毛上晃动。
17.The woman's eyelids were closed and her mascara was melting.女人闭上了眼睛,睫毛油化开了。
18.The girl has long, dark lashes.这个女孩的眼睫毛又长又黑。

Eyelash follicle睫毛毛囊
3)belt yarn睫毛纱
1.Spinning research of eyelash yarn and belt yarn;新型带子纱与睫毛纱的纺纱研究
4)Eyelash reconstruction睫毛再造
5)Eyelash defect睫毛缺损
6)cutting eyelashes剪睫毛

睫毛睫毛eyelash 位于上、下眼睑缘,略向外翘呈弧形分布。上睑睫毛较长而密,下睑睫毛短而疏,有遮挡阳光、防止异物和汗水等进入眼内而起到保护眼睛的作用。