1.A Case of Cutaneous Hyalohyphomycosis Caused by Fusarium Solani;茄病镰刀霉引起皮肤透明丝孢霉病1例
2.A case of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis caused by Fusarium Solani茄病镰刀菌致皮肤透明丝孢霉病1例

1.A case of cutaneous hyalohyphomycosis caused by Fusarium Solani茄病镰刀菌致皮肤透明丝孢霉病1例
2.Results The mycelium or spore was found in the mildew blocks of all patients.结果 所有病例都在其霉菌团块中找到曲霉菌菌丝或孢子 ;
3.Expression of Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene in Saccharopolyspora Erythraea;透明颤菌血红蛋白基因在糖多孢红霉菌中的表达
4.Cloning and Expression of Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene(vgb) in Cephalosporium Acremonium;透明颤菌血红蛋白基因在顶头孢霉中的克隆与表达
5.Observation of Gigaspora margarita Spore-Wall with Scan and Transmission Electricity Microscope珠状巨孢囊霉孢子的扫描和透射电镜观察
6.cross point screwdriver with transparent plastic handle透明塑柄十字螺丝刀
7.chrome plated combination pliers with transparent insulated handle镀铬透明胶柄钢丝钳
8.The Research and Analysis of Sporotrichosis in Jilin Province;吉林省孢子丝菌病流行病学调查分析
9.Observing the Curative Effect of Itraconazole in Treatment on Sporotrichosis伊曲康唑治疗孢子丝菌病的疗效观察
10.Objective To develop a murine model of chromomycosis by using Cladosporium carrioni and explore the pathogenicity of Cladosporium carrio nii in mice.目的采用卡氏支孢霉建立着色真菌病动物模型,并探讨卡氏支孢霉对小鼠的致病性。
11.Effects and Mechanisms of Aspergillus Fumigatus Spores on Lung Pathophysiology in Asthmatic Rats;烟曲霉菌孢子致哮喘大鼠肺病理生理学的改变
12.Mechanism of Biocontrol and Plant-Growth-Promoting of a Kind of Preparation of Trichoderma.spp Chlamydospores;木霉厚垣孢子制剂的防病促生机制研究
13.Physilological and Genetic Differentiation among Curvularia Species in Maize Leaf Spot;玉米弯孢霉叶斑病菌种间生理与遗传分化
14.Comparison of Control Effect of Fungicides against Agaricus bisporus Wet Bull Caused by Mycogone perniciosa Magn杀菌剂对蘑菇疣孢霉病的防治效果比较
15.Comparison of Some Pharmacological Effects between Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. and Cephalosporium sinensis Chen sp. nov.冬虫夏草和头孢霉新种菌丝的某些药理作用的比较
16.A slightly ribbed, woven fabric of silk, cotton, or rayon.罗缎一种半透明紧密织物,由丝、棉或人造丝织成
17."faille:a slightly ribbed, woven fabric of silk, cotton, or rayon.""罗缎:一种半透明紧密织物,由丝、棉或人造丝织成."
18.A thin, transparent gauze of silk or cotton muslin.丝纱罗一种用丝或棉花织成的薄而透明的纱布

1.Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Bipolaris Spicifera:First Case Report in China;长穗离蠕孢引起暗色丝孢霉病一例
2.Objective To explore the clinical characteristics ,diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of phaeohyphomycosis.目的探讨中枢神经系统暗色丝孢霉病的临床特征、诊断、治疗及预后。
3.Objective:To report a case of phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladosporium herbarum.目的 : 报告 1例国内首见的草本枝孢所致的暗色丝孢霉病。
1.Subcutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Curvularia clavata: The First Case Report in China;国内首见棒状弯孢所致的皮肤暗色丝孢霉病
4)Wet bull疣孢霉病

暗色丝孢霉病  由一组丝孢菌(丝孢纲的一组具有暗色壁的真菌)引起的疾病。特征是在组织内形成暗色壁的菌丝或芽孢,侵犯皮肤、皮下组织或形成系统性感染。本病少见。    侵犯皮肤和皮下组织的称为皮下组织暗色丝孢霉病,过去叫皮下组织暗色真菌囊肿。开始表现为皮下肉芽肿,后来中心坏死,形成皮下囊肿,化脓后变成皮下脓肿,外有包膜。也有的开始为皮肤丘疹,后来变成肉芽肿损害,与着色芽生菌病不易区别。但在组织内没有厚壁多分隔的棕色孢子,而有棕色菌丝或芽孢。常由皮炎外瓶霉、甄氏外瓶霉、棘状外瓶霉等引起。    侵犯脑部的叫做脑部暗色丝孢霉病,主要引起脑部囊肿,以后化脓形成脓肿,可为单个或多个,引起相应的神经症状。在囊肿壁内或囊肿内有棕色菌丝。培养多可得到班氏枝孢霉。暗色丝孢霉病极少见,但预后不好,不易治疗。    暗色丝孢霉病若能早期发现,早期切除患部则预后较好。有系统性感染的病例可试用氟康唑治疗。