
1.Clinical Characteristics and Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Syphilitic Gumma梅毒性颅内树胶肿的临床特征与诊治分析
2.The Clinical Characteristics and Management of Cerebral Syphilitic Gumma梅毒性颅内树胶肿临床特征与诊治分析
3.Pharmacokinetics of 9-nitrocamptothecin capsule in patients with advanced solid tumors9-硝基喜树碱胶囊在肿瘤病人体内的药动学
4.gum dragon=gum tragacanth)黄耆胶, 黄耆树胶
5.Investigation of the Relationship between the Perienchyma of Gliomas Infiltrating Dendritic Cells and the Bionomics of the Tumor;脑胶质瘤周边组织树突状细胞浸润与肿瘤生物学特性的相关研究
6.Experimental Study of Treatment of Intracranial G422 Glioblastoma with Bone Marrow-derived Dendritic Cells Pulsed With Tumor Extracts;肿瘤提取物冲击致敏树突状细胞治疗G422胶质母细胞瘤的实验研究
7.Study on Folic Acid Mediated and 9-nitro-camptothecin-loaded Micelle Drug Delivery Systems for Targeting Tumor Cells in Cancer叶酸介导肿瘤靶向的9-硝基喜树碱胶束递药系统研究
8.The Experiment on the Anti-spongiocytoma Effects of Dendritic Cells Tumor Vaccine树突状细胞负载的肿瘤抗原肽疫苗抗脑胶质瘤作用的实验研究
9.Consisting of or containing gum.树胶的由树胶组成的或包括树胶的
10.The wood of a gum tree.胶树材产树胶的树的木材
11.latex from tapped rubber trees.乳胶从橡胶树中抽出。
12.To exude or form gum.结胶分泌或形成树胶
13.a mixture of resin and gum.树脂和树胶的混合物。
14.The worst that will happen is your skin will itch and puff up and your doctor will give you something for the allergy or the inflammation.对小叶橡胶树中毒的最坏后果是皮肤疼痛肿胀,医生会以过敏或炎症来处理。
15.Horse chestnut gel is soothing and cooling when rubbed directly on the veins, while re ducing swelling and strengthening them.将七叶树凝胶直接在静脉血管处涂擦,会感觉舒缓镇静而凉爽,既消肿又促进伤愈。
16.The sweet gum, sour gum, and some Australian eucalyptus trees are gum trees.甜胶树、酸胶树和一些澳大利亚的尤加利树都是产树胶的树。
17.Any of various trees of the genera Eucalyptus, Liquidambar, or Nyssa that are sources of gum.胶橡树一种桉树属、枫香树属或柴树属中生产树胶的树木
18.The trunk of the rubber tree emits drops of liquid rubber.橡胶树的树干流出一滴滴液状橡胶。

gummatous meningitis树胶肿性脑膜炎
3)gumma of testis睾丸树胶样肿
4)gummatous syphilid树胶肿性梅毒
1.Primary Research and Selection of Gum Enzyme(s) Producing Strain;树胶降解酶菌种的选育研究
2.The situation of application for gum.介绍了天然高分子—树胶,生漆,鞣质和腐植酸等的应用现状,讨论了他们的应用前景。

树胶肿树胶肿 又称梅毒瘤或梅毒肿。为晚期梅毒典型损害。常在感染后3~5年发生。80%的树胶肿发生在黏膜,初起为无痛性皮下结节,暗红色,逐渐增大至3~5cm,2~6个月后病灶中心软化破溃,发生单发或多发穿孔,从孔中流出黏稠物,外观像阿拉伯胶,故而得名。