1)rebound[英]['ri:'ba?nd, r?-][美]['ri'ba?nd, r?-]反弹
1.By using the high-speed photography and digital image processing technology,the behavior of collision and rebound of a single bubble with an inclined wall in stationary liquid is tested and studied.采用高速摄影和图像处理技术,实验研究了在静止水中单个气泡与倾斜壁面碰撞与反弹运动。
2.After the heresy "Falungong" was legally banned, it rebounded sometimes.邪教“法轮功”被依法取缔后,又有反弹,究其原因,有客观的,也有主观的。

1.ballistic missile early warning system [BMEWS]反弹道导弹预报系统
2.antiballistic missile early warning system反弹道导弹预警系统
3.The bullet ricocheted off the bridge.子弹打在桥上反弹出去。
4.To strike(a billiard ball)so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table.反弹把(弹子)打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回
5.Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty反弹道导弹条约(反导条约)
6.thing thrown back,esp a sound;echo被弹回的或反弹的事物;(尤指)回响,回声.
7.Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems限制反弹道导弹系统条约
8.China regrets the abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM).中国对《反弹道导弹条约》失效感到遗憾。
9.Striking a rock the bullet bounced off.子弹打在岩石上反弹开了。
10.To rebound after having struck an object or a surface.跳,反弹撞击物体或物体表面后弹回
11.Pull the receiver back and let it snap forward.把反弹器向后拉,让它朝前弹。
12.Research on Robust Prediction of Fuze-warhead Coordination for ATBM反弹道导弹引战配合的鲁棒预测研究
13.The ball bounded against the wall.球从墙上反弹回来。
14.The ball bounced off the wall.球从墙壁上反弹回来。
15.The ball bounded back from the floor.球从地址上反弹回来。
16.The ball hit the backboard and bounced off the ring.球击中篮板反弹回来。
17.A ball bounces from the wall.球由墙上反弹回来。
18.Whiff rebounds in the sun, Japanese yen win-win pattern;日股反弹、日元双赢格局 ;

1.This Paper introduces different sources of diacetyl in beer brewage, focusing specially on the analysis of the rebounding of diacetyl in beer brewage in summer and discusses some practial and feasible controlling solution.重点对夏季生产中出现的啤酒双乙酰值反弹进行原因分析,并提出切实可行的控制方法。
3)A rebound;a bounce.反弹;弹跳
6)Antiballistic missile反弹道导弹

反弹 反弹——  在股市上,股价呈不断下跌趋势,终因股价下跌速度过快而反转回升到某一价位的调整现象称为反弹。一般来说,股票的反弹幅度要比下跌幅度小,通常是反弹到前一次下跌幅度的三分之一左右时,又恢复原来的下跌趋势。