1.Hirsutism and acne were also observed.方法 :对 2 0例高雄激素血症患者 ,进行 3个月的去氧孕烯治疗 ,观察治疗前后LH、LH/FSH和睾丸酮的变化及多毛和痤疮的变化。

1.Covered with fine, soft hair.多毛的长着细而软的毛
2.fibromatosis gingivae hypertrichosis syndrome龈纤维瘤病多毛综合征
3.black-coated sheep dog with a heavily plumed tail.尾巴多毛的黑色牧羊犬。
4.There is piles of towel in the bathroom.浴池时有很多毛巾。
5.a shag - eared pony一匹耳朵多毛的小马
6.densely hairy perennial of central North America having edible tuberous roots.北美中部多年生多毛植物,有食用块根。
7.Body Brush: Soft bristled brush, usually made of horse hair.身体刷:也软毛刷,软毛制成,多用马鬃毛为材质。
8.A lot of customers have approaced us to enquire for mohair sweaters.许多客户向我们询购马海毛毛衣.
9.Many people wear furs in winter.冬天许多人穿毛皮衣服。
10.How delicate and bright the hair is !多么柔软光亮的皮毛啊!
11.Men have more body hair than women.男人的寒毛比女人的多.
12.At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox.那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛。
13.lorikeet with a colorful coat.羽毛多彩的吸蜜鹦鹉。
14.Dyeing one bolt of cloth brings in no more than thirty cents.染一匹布,多不过三毛钱……
15.Oversupplied the troops with blankets; oversupplied blankets to the troops.向部队过多供应毛毯;把过多的毛毯供应给部队
16.Any of various protozoans of the class Mastigophora, all of which possess one or more flagella.鞭毛虫鞭毛虫纲的几种原生动物,全部有一个或更多的鞭毛
17.Any of various protozoans of the class Ciliata, characterized by numerous cilia.纤毛虫纤毛科的多种原生动物,特点是有无数的纤毛
18.Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat.刚毛大多数哺乳动物的长且刚直的鼻口毛或眉毛,比如猫的胡子

4)multi-axis stock多轴毛坯
1.Taking the machining of the 29' CRT TV mold core as an example, the application of Cimatron E software in multi-axis stock was introduced with years' experience.以29英寸CRT电视模具动模主型芯加工为例,结合自己多年数控加工经验,介绍了CimatronE软件多轴毛坯的应用。
5)multi-stage scour多级洗毛
1.Hair Removal with Diode Laser in Hypertrichosis of Congenital Spinal Dysraphism;半导体激光治疗先天性脊柱裂伴腰骶部多毛
2.Application of a new type laser for treating vascular dermatological disease including port-wine stain, pigmented dermatological disease including Ota s naeves and hypertrichosis had been discussed.本文讨论了新型激光治疗鲜红斑痣等血管性皮肤病、太田痣等色素性皮肤病及多毛症的特点、原理及临床应用的经验。
