1.Objective To treat nevus of Ota with Versapulse laser and observe the response to the treatment and the effect.目的 应用维纳斯激光治疗太田痣 ,观察其治疗反应及疗效。
2)Hans Wegner汉斯·维纳
1.Danish Furniture Designer Hans Wegner;丹麦家具设计大师汉斯·维纳
1.On Pacifism Thought Contained in the Literary Work of Mathnawi;论《玛斯纳维》中的和平主义思想
1.How Ethics as First Philosophy Is Possible——On Levinas Thoughts of Ethical and Critique of Violence of Being;伦理学作为第一哲学如何可能?——试析勒维纳斯的伦理思想及其对存在暴力的批判
2.Infinite Hospitality and Perpetual Peace——Contemplation of the Confrontation between Levinas and Kant from Derrida s Perspective of Peace;无限好客与永久和平——与德里达一起思考勒维纳斯与康德在和平观上的对立

1.Levinas Differenciating Metaphysics and Ontology;勒维纳斯对形而上学和存在论的区分
2.Saintly Philosophy--Notes of Reading Levinas圣洁性的哲学——阅读勒维纳斯的几点笔记
3.From Existence to the Other: The Metaphysics Transition of Levinas Ethics;从存在到他者:勒维纳斯伦理学的形上跃迁
4.and Emmanuel Levinas establishes his otherness philosophy in which otherness becomes an absolute one.勒维纳斯奠定了真正的他者哲学,他者成为绝对他者。
5.Irreducible Subject and Its Responsibility--Issues on the responsibility subject in Levinas' ethics of the Other无法消解的主体及其责任——勒维纳斯他者理论中的责任主体问题
6.From Ontology to Ethics--A Critical Reformation of Western Philosophy by Other Ethics of Levinas从本体论到伦理学——勒维纳斯他者伦理学对西方哲学的批判性变革
7.How Ethics as First Philosophy Is Possible--On Levinas Thoughts of Ethical and Critique of Violence of Being;伦理学作为第一哲学如何可能?——试析勒维纳斯的伦理思想及其对存在暴力的批判
8.Infinite Hospitality and Perpetual Peace--Contemplation of the Confrontation between Levinas and Kant from Derrida s Perspective of Peace;无限好客与永久和平——与德里达一起思考勒维纳斯与康德在和平观上的对立
9.Mt Etna, Everest, etc埃特纳火山、 埃佛勒斯峰
10.Desilvale v. Kendall德斯尔维勒诉坎戴尔案
11.The Bianconeri host Verona at the Stadio Olimpico and hope to take advantage of Napoli's difficult match at Cesena to leapfrog the leaders of the table.斑马军团将于主场奥林匹克迎战维罗纳,并希望借着那不勒斯硬拼切塞纳的比赛以此升上榜首.
12.The Toilet of Venus ('The Rokeby Venus')《梳妆的维纳斯》(“罗克比的维纳斯”)
13.navier stokes equation纳维尔 斯托克斯方程
14.navier stokes equations纳维 斯托克斯方程
15.SANCHEZ BARBERENA, Carlos卡洛斯·桑切斯·巴维雷纳
16.Venus and Anchises维纳斯和安切塞斯(绘画)
17.Alex Keller is calling Ted Surrey, the Cash Manager of a large Scandinavian insurance company.亚历克斯?凯勒正与斯堪的纳维亚的一家大保险公司的现金经理特德?萨里通电话。
18.The most famous one that remains today is the beautiful 'Venus de Milo', now in the Louvre, Paris.今天还存在着的最著名的一座雕像是美丽的“米勒岛上的维纳斯”像,现藏巴黎的卢夫宫博物馆。

Hans Wegner汉斯·维纳
1.Danish Furniture Designer Hans Wegner;丹麦家具设计大师汉斯·维纳
1.On Pacifism Thought Contained in the Literary Work of Mathnawi;论《玛斯纳维》中的和平主义思想
1.How Ethics as First Philosophy Is Possible——On Levinas Thoughts of Ethical and Critique of Violence of Being;伦理学作为第一哲学如何可能?——试析勒维纳斯的伦理思想及其对存在暴力的批判
2.Infinite Hospitality and Perpetual Peace——Contemplation of the Confrontation between Levinas and Kant from Derrida s Perspective of Peace;无限好客与永久和平——与德里达一起思考勒维纳斯与康德在和平观上的对立
1.Ethic in Deconstruction:Derrida and Levinas;解构的伦理面向:德里达与列维纳斯
2.Time Is the Very Relationship of the Subject with the Other——Exploring Connection between Levinas and Heidegger from Time and the Other;时间是与他者的关系——从《时间与他者》解读列维纳斯与海德格尔的关系
3.The Alterity of Aesthet(h)ics in Levinas列维纳斯的他异性美(伦理)学
1.On Lawrence s Complex of Great Mother and Venus;劳伦斯的原母神和维纳斯情结
2.Read Venus of the Western art again;再读西方艺术中的维纳斯
