
1.The old fellow is going bald on top.那位老兄正在秃顶
2.Moreover, a lot of balding men wear wigs.不少秃顶的人戴假发。
3.She teased her father about his bald hair.她取笑父亲的秃顶
4.we could see his skull and the veins on it.我们看见他的秃顶和顶上的血管。
5.He had observed all around him how blond men went bald first.他注意到周围人中金发男子总是秃顶秃的早。
6.They often make jokes about my bald head.他们常拿我的秃顶开玩笑。
7.Fenton was a thin, balding and ascetic man.芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人。
8.wearing a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness.戴一小部分假发用来覆盖部分的秃顶
9.Men who are going bald often wear baseball caps.快要秃顶的男人们总是戴着棒球帽。
10.He has a theory that wearing hats makes men go bald.他有个看法是男人戴帽子就会秃顶.
11.He has a theory that wearing hats makes man bald他有一种意见, 认为戴帽子会使人秃顶
12.a bald porcine old man(Vladimir Nabokov)一个秃顶的肥猪般的老头(弗拉基米尔 纳博科夫)
13.Miss Pao rushed into the arms of a balding, dark, pudgy man in big glasses.鲍小姐扑向一个半秃顶、戴大眼镜的黑胖子怀里。
14.Her fingers tangled with the grey-black hair laying open the bald patch.她的手指插进灰中带黑的头发,披露出一块秃顶
15.The top of the hill was bare.小山顶上光秃秃的。
16."But if, on his head or on his brow, where he has no hair, there is a red and white place, it is the disease of the leper coming out on his head or on his brow."头秃处或是顶门秃处若有白中带红的灾病,这就是大麻疯发在他头秃处或是顶门秃处,
17.The bald man wore awig.这个秃头的人戴着一顶假发。
18.The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.那些山顶上光秃而无任何植物。

baldness;alopecia;bald秃顶; 秃发; 秃头
3)Male bald patients男性秃顶
4)partly bald head半秃顶
6)scalped structure秃顶构造
