
1." Rubber, vulcanized--Preparation of samples and test pieces"GB9865-1988硫化橡胶样品和试样的制备
2.Raw natural rubber--Sample preparationGB/T8084-1987天然生胶样品的制备
3.Raw natural rubber--Standard rubber--SamplingGB/T8083-1987天然生胶标准橡胶取样
4.Raw synthetic rubber in bales--SamplingGB6734-1986成包合成生胶取样
5.Synthetic rubbers--Specimen preparationGB6735-1986合成橡胶试样制备
6.automatic offset proofing press自动对开胶印打样机
7.This tumor has gelatinous material within it.肿瘤内含胶冻样物质。
8." Rubber, raw, natural and synthetic sampling and further preparative procedures"GB/T15340-1994天然、合成生胶取样及制样方法
9.Review color chips/1st shot / PP samples.审核塑胶色办/首次样办/试产样办。
10.General principles for sampling airborne radioactive materials??放射性气溶胶取样的一般原则
11.Similarly, liver cells can be encapsulated to generate mini-livers.同样肝细胞可以装入胶囊产生小的肝。
12.To bind with or as if with cement.粘结,胶合(象水泥一样)巩固
13.united as if by glue.像是被胶水粘在一起一样。
14.Methods of sampling lac productsGB/T8142-1987紫胶产品取样方法
15.And we still stiked together like the glue.而且我们仍然像胶一样的粘在一起。
16.And doesn't bulk up like foam does and everything.不会像泡沫橡胶那样显得臃肿。
17.Draw the shoulder piece on the pattern front, and mark the grain on the bias.在胶身样板上画肩衬,标出斜丝绺记号。
18.Plastics don't rust like metal.塑胶不像金属那样会生锈。

Colloid cyst胶样囊肿
1.Colloid cyst in posterior cranial fossa:case report;后颅窝胶样囊肿1例报告
3)collagen-like region胶原样区
1.Based on its characters, the strain should belong to the genus of colloides, but there are some differences between this bacterium and the reported species of this genus in cell shape and biochemical features, we proposed that it should be a new species of the genus.结果表明, 该菌株为胶样菌属( Colloides)的一个新
6)colloid tumor胶样瘤

阔韧带内皮样囊肿阔韧带内皮样囊肿 极罕见。可能来源于卵巢或异位的卵巢组织,与发生于卵巢者相似。有时可因感染而形成脓肿。手术应将整个囊肿剥除。应切尽囊壁,或用电刀,激光手术刀或石炭酸进行烧灼,以防复发。