1.Clinical efficacy of Zhiyangling in the treatment of neurodermatitis止痒灵治疗泛发性神经性皮炎效果观察

1.Clinical efficacy of Zhiyangling in the treatment of neurodermatitis止痒灵治疗泛发性神经性皮炎效果观察
2.Effect of SangLongZhiYang Pill on Treatment of Pruritus and Modulation of Levels of Itching Mediators;桑龙止痒丸止痒作用及对瘙痒介质影响的研究
3.Study on the Efficacy of Clove Relieving Itching Dew丁香止痒露消炎止痒药效的试验研究
4.a substance that relieves or prevents itching.减轻或防止痒的物质。
5.This kind of lotion for external use can eliminate dampness and relieve itching.这种外用药水,燥涩止痒。
6.Aloe Vera has anti-pruritic properties so will help to reduce itching.芦荟具有止痒性能,所以将有助于减少发痒。
7.Research the Effect of Anti-Allergic and Pruritus Cream on Treatment of Itching Skin Disease抗敏止痒乳膏治疗瘙痒性皮肤病的疗效观察
8.Clinical Study of "Yao Xue Zhi Yang Pian" and "Xiao Yan Zhi Yang Shuang" in the Treatment of Senile Pruritus;养血止痒片及消炎止痒霜治疗血虚风燥型老年性皮肤瘙痒病临床研究
9.The male and female skin, the genitals antibacterial, the sterilization, stop itch, eliminate the unusual smell.男女皮肤、阴部的抗菌、杀菌、止痒、除异味。
10.Study on Microwave Extraction Technology of Diminishing Inflammation and Relieving Itching Spray消炎止痒喷雾剂的微波提取工艺研究
11.Study on the Microbial Limit Test of Zhiyangchaji止痒搽剂微生物限度检查方法的验证
12.Therapeutic Effect of Runzao Itching Capsule Combined with Dexamethasone Cream on Treating Simple Vulvar Pruritus润燥止痒胶囊联合地霜治疗单纯性女阴瘙痒症的疗效观察
13.Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul.爵士乐使你的肌肉发痒,交响乐能舒展你的灵魂。
14.Conclusion: SFE is obviously antipruritic.结论:蛇床子超临界萃取物具有显著的止痒作用。
15.Objective: To define antipruritic effect of supercritical fluid ext ra ct( SFE) of fructus cnidii.目的:考察蛇床子超临界萃取物外用的止痒作用。
16.Studies on the Field Efficacy of Clove Relieving Itching Dew复方丁香止痒露在嘉峪关地区现场试验研究
17.Rub this medicine on your skin after your daily shower. Take a pill for itching at bedtime.每天浴后涂上这个药膏,就寝时服一粒止痒药丸。
18.The Development of Gel of Detoxication and Alleviating Itch, and the Studying of CuringJellyfish Dermatitis;解毒止痒凝胶的研制及其治疗水母皮炎的研究

relieving itching止痒
1.Study of shuangfujin on relieving itching effect and bacteriostasis中药爽肤巾止痒和抑菌作用的实验研究
2.Objective: Solving the problem of local relieving itching persons bited by mosquitoes.目的:研究解决蚊虫叮咬后局部消炎止痒的问题;方法:使用丁香止痒露进行试验室和现场药效试验;结果:pH值平均为6。
3.OBJECTIVE:To study the effect of Jianpi washing liquid for bacteriostasis,anti-infusorium,and relieving itching.目的:研究健皮洗液的体外抑菌、抗滴虫及止痒作用。
1.Objective: To study the anti-inflammation and anti-pruritus effect of bencycloquidium bromide.目的:初步研究苯环喹溴铵的抗炎止痒作用。
2.Objective: To observe the effect of Lisea Cubeba Oil against mice model of candidal vaginitis, whether it possessed the effect of treating and anti-pruritus or not, this was studied by constructing mice model of Candidal Vaginitis.目的:本研究通过构建白念珠菌阴道炎小鼠模型,观察山苍子油对白念珠菌阴道炎是否具有治疗及止痒作用,并筛选出可以外用治疗白念珠菌阴道炎的山苍子油的浓度,为山苍子油的临床应用提供实验依据。
4)Antipruritic[英]['?ntipru:'ritik][美][,?ntipr?'r?t?k, ,?nta?-]止痒
1.Experimental Study on Antipruritic Pharmacodynamics and Functions of Active Ingredient R_2 of Fructus Cnidii;蛇床子止痒有效成分-R_2的药效学实验研究
2.Study on anti-inflammatory,analgesic,and antipruritic effects of Shengning suppository;参宁栓抗炎、镇痛、止痒作用研究
3.Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipruritic and antitrichomonal effects of Zihua Lotion (紫花洗剂);紫花洗剂的抗炎、镇痛、止痒和抗滴虫实验
5)antipruritic effect止痒
1.The experimental research on anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect and dermal toxicity of THH cream.目的为了探讨昆明山海棠外用的药效及安全性,对昆明山海棠霜进行了止痒、抗炎作用及皮肤毒性的实验研究。
2.Objective To explore the effect of KML (a drug for treating cervical erosion) on experimental rats with cervical erosion,and its anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.小鼠二甲苯致炎、大鼠踝关节角叉菜胶致炎、豚鼠磷酸组胺致痒 ,观察抗糜灵的抗炎及止痒作用。
1.In Vitro Antibacterial,Trichomonacidal,and Itching-relieving Activities of Hemorrhoids Lotion;痔疾洗液体外抑菌、抗滴虫及止痒作用研究

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