1.Study Progress of Chromoblastomycosis着色芽生菌病的研究进展

1.A case of cutaneous chromoblastomycosis caused by Fonsecaea monophora着色真菌monophora引起皮肤着色芽生菌病1例
2.A Case of Chromoblastomycosis Misdiagnosed as Tuberculosis Cutis误诊为皮肤结核的着色芽生菌病1例
3.A fungal spore produced by budding.芽生孢子芽生的真菌孢子
4.Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals.芽生菌一种芽生菌属的酵母状芽真菌,能引发人畜疾病
5.of or relating to or characteristic of blastomycosis.属于、关于芽生菌病的,或有芽生菌病特征的。
6.bacterial stain细菌染色,细菌着色
7.The green malt is then gently dried to stop growth yet leave the enzyme activity intact.接着,采用温和干燥的方法使绿色的麦芽停止生长
8.A preparation that is derived from a culture of the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis and is injected intracutaneously as a diagnostic test for blastomycosis.芽生霉素从皮炎芽生菌真菌的培养中获得的制剂,作为芽生菌病的皮内诊治
9.Separating and Identification of Probiotics Bacillus Strains BN-9 from Bovine Intestine牛源肠道益生菌芽孢杆菌BN-9菌株的分离鉴定
10.Biological Control and Plant Growth Promoting Endophytic Bacillus sp.;防病、促生植物内生芽孢杆菌的研究
11.any of several infections of the skin or mucous membrane caused by Blastomyces.由于芽生菌引起的皮肤发炎。
12.thuringiensis can be grown in fermenters.苏云金芽孢杆菌能在发酵罐中生长
13.Characteristics of Probiotic Bacillus Selected from Piglets;猪益生性芽孢杆菌的筛选与特性研究
14.Aseptic Germination of Seeds and Plant Regeneration from Hypocotyls for Fraxinus Mandshurica Rupr;水曲柳的无菌发芽与胚轴的离体再生
15.The Biocontrol Mechanism of Bacillus Marinus B-9987海洋芽孢杆菌B-9987生物防治机制研究
16.Induced Breeding and Enzyme Properties of Bacillus as Probiotics益生芽孢杆菌的诱变选育及酶学特性
17.Phylogenetic diversity of endophytic endospore-forming bacteria isolated from Cinnamomum longepaniculatum N. Chao ex H. W. Li油樟内生芽孢细菌的系统发育多样性
18.Studies on Technology for Compound Producing Bacillus natto Preparations by Solid State Fermentation固态发酵生产复合纳豆芽孢杆菌制剂

1.Chromoblastomycosis Caused by Fonsecaea Pedrosoi:The First Case Report in Shenzhen and Analysis;裴氏着色霉所致着色芽生菌病深圳首例报告及分析
2.A case of chromoblastomycosis with lymphatic spread;淋巴管型着色芽生菌病1例
3.A case of cutaneous chromoblastomycosis caused by Fonsecaea monophora着色真菌monophora引起皮肤着色芽生菌病1例
6)budding bacteria芽生细菌
