抽样方法,Sampling method
1)Sampling method抽样方法
1.Spatial dispersion pattern and sampling method of sweet beet (Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)) larva in green Chinese onion fields;甜菜夜蛾幼虫在大葱上空间分布型及抽样方法
2.Research on comparisons among cement sampling methods' error出厂水泥不同抽样方法误差比较研究
3.Through analysis of typical instances, shortcomings that existing in GB 5491-1985 percentage sampling method for wheat flour in bags in inspection and supervision were pointed out.在实际工作中,通过典型事例分析,指出在监督检验中,袋装小麦粉按GB5491—1985 百分比抽样方法存在的缺陷,建议采用GB2828 标准,以解决批量大小时判别的宽严问

1.Sampling schemes and methods for ceramic tilesGB/T3810-1996陶瓷砖抽样方案及抽样方法
2.To Learn Sampling Method of Long-Tables of the Fifth Population Census of China by Looking at the Sample Error;从抽样误差看“五普”长表抽样方法
3.Cox's method of two-step sampling考克斯两步抽样方法
4.Different sampling techniques are compared, the result shows that the method of chess board is the best.不同的抽样方法表明,以棋盘式抽样法最好。
5.Ranked Set Sampling Method and Parameter Estimation Based on This Method;有序抽样方法及此方法下的参数估计
6.Research on sampling approach of safety culture quantitative measurement安全文化定量测量样本抽样方法研究
7.The Study on Handling Sampling Weights Associated with the Survey Data When Applying Data Mining Methods--Based on the Method of Re-sampling with PPWWR数据挖掘方法应用于调查数据的抽样权重问题——基于放回比例抽样的再抽样方法
8.Sampling schemes and methods for expanded perlite insulationGB/T5485-1985膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品抽样方案和抽样方法
9.A sampling inspection method wear-resisting reliability target of roller chain链条耐磨可靠性指标检验的抽样方法
10.The Method of Mixed two-phase Stratified Sampling in Market Research;市场调研中的混合双重分层抽样方法
11.Sampling Method of the Long Form in China s Fifth CensusHU ying;第五次全国人口普查表长表抽样方法
12.Concrete Structure Performance Test Sampling Method Research混凝土结构质量检验抽样方法的研究
13.Research on comparisons among cement sampling methods' error出厂水泥不同抽样方法误差比较研究
14.Three sets of EST schemes were advanced, i.e. Whole-Tree Sampling (WTS) , Ring-Branches Sampling (RBS) and Simple Estimation Sampling (SES) .对估值抽样提供了三种方案:整株抽样,轮枝抽样,简易估计法。
15.sequential sampling method逐次抽样法逐次抽样法
16.The Research of Sampling Frame and Sampling Techniques Based on GIS;基于GIS的抽样框编制与抽样技术方法研究
17.The TPFG Approach to CSP s in MIL-STD-1916;MIL-STD-1916中连续抽样方案的流向图方法
18.relevant inspection, sampling and testing methods;有关检查、抽样和检验方法;

sampling approach抽样方法
1.Research on sampling approach of safety culture quantitative measurement安全文化定量测量样本抽样方法研究
2.Based on senior high school students’learning of sampling approach,the research has the significance on the setting and practicing of the mathematics course and offers help on teachers’effictive teaching.本研究立足于高中生抽样方法的学习,对于数学课程的设置与实施有重要意义,也能为教师的有效教学提供参考。
3)Sampling methods抽样方法
1.An understanding of sampling was fundamental to statistical literacy and sampling methods were the key of sampling.对抽样知识的理解是统计素养的基础,而抽样方法是抽样知识的重要组成部分。
4)method of sampling抽样法,取样方法
5)repeat replication重抽样方法
1.This paper discusses in some details how to apply the method of repeat replications to the regression analysis, including both the linear and the nonlinear models.文章较详细地讨论了将重抽样方法应用于回归分析,包括一元线性回归,多元线性回归以及非线性回归,并列举了计算实例。
6)line sampling algorithm线抽样方法
