二期梅毒,secondary syphilis
1)secondary syphilis二期梅毒
1.Five cases of secondary syphilis with nodular lesion were reported.报告5例有结节损害的二期梅毒,皮损的特征是直径约0。
2.Objective To investigate the immunologic changes of parients with the secondary syphilis.采用快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)、梅毒螺旋体血球凝集试验(TPHA)、梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)进行梅毒血清学检测;用流式细胞仪和双抗体夹心ELISA法检测不典型二期梅毒患者和典型二期梅毒患者及正常人外周血树突状细胞(DC)各亚型的表达,血清中IL-12和IFN-r的水平。

1.Abstract: Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported.文摘:报告8例口腔二期梅毒疹患者。
2.Objective To help physicians make correct diagnosis of secondary syphilis.目的:提高临床医师诊断二期梅毒的准确性。
3.Research on the levels of cellular immunity of peripheral blood in patients with secondary syphilis二期梅毒患者外周血细胞免疫水平的相关性研究
4.Methods:52 cases of secondary syp hilis miseiagnosed were analyzed, including their clinical manifestations and rea sons of misdi agnosis during three years.方法:本文对三年来临床误诊的52例二期梅毒进行了误诊病种及原因分析。
5.a small rubbery granuloma that is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis.有弹性的肉芽是梅毒的后期阶段。
6.Aim: To evaluate the histopathological features of syphilis Ⅱ.目的:探讨Ⅱ期梅毒的组织病理学特征。
7.The Discussion of Latent Period Syphilis Transit Standard of Entry-exit Persons出入境人员潜伏期梅毒放行标准探讨
8.of or relating to or infected with syphilis.梅毒的,与梅毒有关的或患梅毒的。
9.Design of Second-stage Project of Meicun Wastewater Treatment Plant in Wuxi City无锡市梅村污水处理厂二期工程设计
10."Without treatment, it may progress through three stages: primary, characterized by a chancre and low fever;"如不加医治,梅毒病程可分三期:一期梅毒的特征是出现下疳肿块且伴有低烧;
11.Clinical analysis of three methods in the treatment of acquired early syphilis三种方法治疗获得性早期梅毒的临床疗效分析
12.Detection of Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subsets in Early Sero-Resistant Syphilis Patients;早期梅毒血清固定患者淋巴细胞的检测及意义
13.Study on the Clinical Therapeutic Effective of Three Methods in Patients with Early Congenital Syphilis;三种方法治疗早期梅毒的疗效比较研究
14.The Progress of Syphilis Infection of Gestational Period and Mother-infant Prevention妊娠期梅毒感染与母婴阻断的研究进展
15.A small, rubbery granuloma that has a necrotic center and is enclosed by an inflamed, fibrous capsule. It is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis.梅毒瘤一种小的橡胶肉牙瘤,中心坏死,周围包裹着一层发炎的纤维状外囊。为梅毒的后期症状
16.Study on Post-Evaluation about Second Phase to Extend Project of Meishan Mining Company;梅山矿业公司二期扩建项目后评价分析
17.The Application Study of Engineering Project Risk Management on the 2~(nd) Meishan Blast Furnace's Building;梅钢二期高炉扩建项目风险管理应用研究

secondary syphilid二期梅毒疹
3)relapsing secondary syphilis二期复发梅毒
4)Four Cases of Secondary Syphilis二期梅毒4例
5)Early syphilis早期梅毒
1.Analysis on diagnosis and treatment of 52 patients with early syphilis;52例早期梅毒诊疗分析
2.This paper analysed the sex,age,occupation,infection of source stage,sex portner,marriage,clinical symptom,diagnvsis and therapy of early syphilis.本文分析了早期梅毒75例的性别、年龄、职业、传染来源、期别、性伴、婚姻、临床症状诊断及治疗。
3.Objective:To eveluate the value of ceftriaxone in the treatment of serofast of patients with early syphilis.目的 : 了解头孢曲松对早期梅毒血清固定的治疗价值。
6)Primary syphilis一期梅毒
1.The value of treponema pallidum examination with silver stains in diagnosing primary syphilis;苍白螺旋体镀银染色检查在一期梅毒诊断中的应用
2.Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) in the diagnosis of primary syphilis.目的为评价荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)在一期梅毒诊断中的临床应用价值,以暗视野(D-F)、血清学(RPR/TPHA)检查方法作对照,用FQ-PCR方法检测68例疑诊为一期梅毒病人的生殖器溃疡处分泌物。

二期梅毒二期梅毒  病名。亦称梅毒疹。后天梅 毒类型之一。多在感染4年以后发生,可侵及皮肤、黏膜、淋巴系统,有时可损害骨骼、眼 及 神经系统。本期可分为二期早发性梅毒、二期迟发性梅毒及二期复发性梅毒。二期梅毒疹平 均约发 生在硬下疳消退后3~4周(相当于感染后9~12周),称之为二期早发性梅毒,二期梅毒疹发 生在感染后2~4个月,亦有迟至6个月或1~2年者,称之为二期迟发性梅毒;因治疗不当或 病人 免疫力降低,约在感染后1~2年内二期损害消退后重新出现,称之为二期复发性梅毒,可见 皮肤、黏膜、眼、骨及内脏损害复发,最常见者为皮肤、黏膜损害复发,其损害与二期早发 性 梅毒大体相似,但皮疹数目较少,分布比较局限,群集的倾向较二期早发性梅毒更为明显, 破 坏性较大,好发于肛门、脐窝、腋窝、阴部及掌跖部。诊治详见附录《梅毒诊断标准及处理 原则梅毒治疗方案》。