寻常型鱼鳞病,ichthyosis vulgaris
1)ichthyosis vulgaris寻常型鱼鳞病
1.Double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of lactic acid compound ointment in the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris;复方乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病随机双盲基质对照多中心临床研究
2.Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris (IV).目的研究一常染色体显性遗传寻常型鱼鳞病家系的致病基因。
3.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of urea & lactic acid compound ointment for the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris.目的:评价尿素乳酸软膏治疗寻常型鱼鳞病的有效性和安全性。
2)ichthyosis vulgaris (IV)寻常型鱼鳞病(IV)
3)ichthyosis vulgaris寻常性鱼鳞病
1.Mapping of pathogenic genes in two families with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris;两个常染色体显性遗传寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位
2.Gene Mapping and FLG Gene Mutation Analysis in Four Ichthyosis Vulgaris Families;四个寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位及FLG基因突变研究

1.Mapping of a Novel Locus for Ichthyosis Vulgaris at 5p13.3-p12;一个新的寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病位点定位于5p13.3-p12
2.Gene Mapping and FLG Gene Mutation Analysis in Four Ichthyosis Vulgaris Families;四个寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位及FLG基因突变研究
3.Excessive or abnormal dryness of the skin, as in ichthyosis.干皮病皮肤异常或不正常的干燥,如鱼鳞癣
4.Phenotype Changes in the Epidermal Scale and Nail of the Patients with Congenital Ichthyosis;先天性鱼鳞病患者的指甲和鳞屑的表型改变研究
5.Analysis on the Genotype and Clinical Phenotype Correlations of Four Style Heritage Ichthyosis四种遗传性鱼鳞病基因型与临床表型的相关性分析
6.Study on Extraction and Characterization of Collagen from the Fish Scale of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idellus);草鱼鱼鳞胶原蛋白的提取及特性研究
7.Study on Preparation and Characterization of Collagen Peptide from Fish Scales of Grass Carp草鱼鱼鳞胶原肽的制备及其特性研究
8.Rheological Properties of Collagens in Scale of Grass Carp草鱼鱼鳞胶原蛋白的流变学性能研究
9.76 Case for Reinforced Wenqingyin in Treatment of Common Psoriasis;温清饮加味治疗寻常性银屑病76例
10.To, must eat to take a scale, the beer fish of orthodox school, the fish scales all fry very frailty, delicious pole.对了,一定要吃带鳞的,正宗的啤酒鱼,鱼鳞都炸得非常脆,好吃极了。
11.Effects of Oxytocic Hormone of Fish Commonly Used on Induced Spawning in Varicorhinus Macrolepis鱼类常用催产剂对泰山赤鳞鱼的催产效果
12.A congenital, often hereditary skin disease characterized by dry, thickened, scaly skin.鳞癣,干皮病一种先天的,经常是遗传性的皮肤病,表现为皮肤干燥、变厚并出现鳞状屑片
13.Expression of CD147 and Classification of T Lymphocyte Subset in the Lesions of Cutaneous Squamous Carcinoma and Psoriasis Vulgaris;皮肤鳞状细胞癌和寻常型银屑病皮损处CD147的表达及T细胞亚群分类的研究
14.Diagnosing X-linked Ichthyosis by Monoplast Single-round Duplex PCR单细胞单轮二重PCR诊断X-连锁鱼鳞病
15.Clinico-epidemiological features of congenital nonbullous ichthyosifo rm erythroderma in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯西部省区先天性非大疱性鱼鳞状红皮病的临床流行病学特点
16.The Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of HCR-325 Gene with Psoriasis Vulgaris in the Han PopulationHCR-325多态性与汉族人寻常性银屑病的相关性
17.3. Most patients suffering from localized abacterial pustulosis have no history of psoriasis vulgaris before.3. 局限性无菌性脓疱病绝大部分既往无寻常型银屑病病史。
18.Extraction and Characterization of Collagens from Scale of Grass Carp草鱼鱼鳞胶原蛋白的提取及其理化性质研究

ichthyosis vulgaris (IV)寻常型鱼鳞病(IV)
3)ichthyosis vulgaris寻常性鱼鳞病
1.Mapping of pathogenic genes in two families with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris;两个常染色体显性遗传寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位
2.Gene Mapping and FLG Gene Mutation Analysis in Four Ichthyosis Vulgaris Families;四个寻常性鱼鳞病家系致病基因的定位及FLG基因突变研究
1.Phenotype changes of both involucrin and lipid in the scraped epidermal scale and trimmed nail of the patients with resessive lamellar ichthyosis;板层状鱼鳞病患者指甲和鳞屑内皮蛋白及鳞屑类脂的变化
2.Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis complicated with inflammatory linear epidermal nevus and ichthyosis vulgaris;线状和回旋状色素沉着症并发炎性线状表皮痣及寻常性鱼鳞病
3.A pedigree of ichthyosis linearis circumflexa;回旋形线状鱼鳞病一家系调查
1.A case of mycosis fungoides with ichthyosiform lesion as the first presentation;以鱼鳞病样皮损为首发表现的蕈样肉芽肿
2.Objective: To find the possible role of the K1 E477K gene mutation in bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (BCIE).目的研究先天性大疱性鱼鳞病样红皮病(BCIE)患者存在角蛋白K1E477K突变的可能致病途径。
6)psoriasis vulgaris寻常型银屑病
1.Effects of narrow-band ultraviolet B phototherapy on the detection of CD4,CD8 and P-STAT3 in lesions of psoriasis vulgaris;窄谱中波紫外线对寻常型银屑病皮损中CD4、CD8和P-STAT3的影响
2.The association between HLA-DRB1,DQB1 genes and psoriasis vulgaris in Han Shandong Chinese;山东地区汉族寻常型银屑病与HLA-DRB1、DQB1等位基因的相关性研究
3.Health seeking behaviors in the patients with psoriasis vulgaris;寻常型银屑病患者求医行为的调查与分析

寻常鱼鳞病    寻常鱼鳞病  ichthyosis vulgaris  常染色体显性遗传。为鱼鳞病中最多见的一种。症状较轻,损害最小,生后数月发病,皮肤干燥粗糙,上有糠秕状鳞屑,夏季病情好转,冬季症状加重,同时伴毛发稀、指趾甲变形。组织学检查有毛囊角栓。