复方紫草油,compound radix arnebiae oil
1)compound radix arnebiae oil复方紫草油
1.Preparation technique of compound radix arnebiae oil optimized by orthogonal test;正交试验优选复方紫草油的制备工艺
2.Study on preparation technology and quality standard of Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil;复方紫草油的制备工艺与质量标准研究
3.Compound radix arnebiae oil was used in clinical for 20 years in plastic and burn surgery in our hospital.目的:水火烫伤是生活中的常见病,高温烫伤和各种化学烧伤是石化地区多发病,烧伤整形外科在治疗该类疾病中扮演重要角色,复方紫草油在我院烧伤整形外科临床使用20多年,能缓解病人的病痛,疗效较好。

1.Preparation Technology and Quality Standards Establishment of the Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil复方紫草油制备工艺的选择与质量标准的建立
2.ObjectiveTo investigate the chemical constituents of the Arnebia euchroma Oil Extract.目的研究紫草油膏的化学成分,探讨中药复方中紫草油炸的合理性。
3.Study on water extraction process in complex of Arnebia euchroma(Royle) Johnston using orthogonal design正交试验设计优选紫草复方的水提工艺
4.Isolation of Water Soluble Constituents from Arnebia Euchroma and Study on Compound Granules;新疆紫草水溶性成分的分离及复方颗粒剂的研究
5.Compound Glyoyrrhizin for Anaphylactoid Purpura of Child复方甘草酸苷治疗儿童过敏性紫癜临床疗效观察
6.Clinical Analysis of Anisodamine Combined with Compound Glycyrrhizin in the Treatment of Simplex Anaphylac-toid Purpura山莨菪碱联合复方甘草酸苷治疗单纯型过敏性紫癜临床分析
7.ResultsSesamin, sesamolin, deoxyshikonin and sikonin were isolated from Arnebia euchroma oil extract.结果从紫草油膏中分离得到芝麻素、麻酚林、氧紫草素、草素。
8.Efficacy Observation of Kaliziran Tincture Combined with Narrowband Ultraviolet B Phototherapy and Oral Stronger Neo-Minophagen C in Treatment of Vitiligo复方卡力孜然酊联合窄谱中波紫外线、复方甘草酸苷片治疗白癜风疗效观察
9.Effects of Ultra-fine Chinese Herbal Feedstuff Additives on Growth and Intestines Performance on Early Weaning Piglets;超微粉复方紫苏中草药添加剂对断奶仔猪生长及肠道发育的影响研究
10.Determination of Guaifenesin in Child Compound Glycyrrhiza Oral Solution by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定小儿复方甘草口服液中愈创木酚甘油醚含量
11.The efficacy Vaseline gauze oil Shikonin intreating ulcerated bedsor紫草油凡士林纱布治疗褥疮溃疡的疗效
12.Mechanisms of the Removal and Remediation of Phenanthrene and Pyrene in Soil with Mixed Cropping of Alfalfa and Rape油菜-紫花苜蓿混种对土壤中菲、芘的修复作用
13.complex model fue复杂方案的新配方汽油
14.Determination of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Compound Liguoric Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定复方甘草片中甘草酸的含量
15.Study on the Anti-HBV Material Foundation of Zijingantai;复方紫金肝泰抗HBV物质基础的研究
16.Study on Technical Parameter Optimization and Mathematical Model for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Common Cromwell Oil超临界二氧化碳萃取紫草油的工艺参数优化及数学模型研究
17.Clinical Study on the Application of Zicao Ointment in Wounds Healing after the Operation of Accumulated Damp-heat Anal Fissure紫草油纱条在湿热蕴结型肛裂术后应用的临床研究
18.print copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph.用油印的方式复制备份。

complex of Arnabia euchroma (Royle) Johnston紫草复方
3)compound arnebia euchroma preparation复方紫草制剂
1.Orthogonal test design optinizing alcohol-precipitation technology for compound arnebia euchroma preparation;正交试验优化复方紫草制剂醇沉工艺
4)Radix arnebiae oil ointment紫草油膏
5)lithospermum seeds oil紫草籽油
1.Supercritical-CO_2 fluid extraction and fatty acid contents analysis of lithospermum seeds oil;紫草籽油的超临界CO_2萃取及其脂肪酸含量分析
6)arnebia root oils紫草油剂
1.Objective: To observe the promoting effect of arnebia root oils on expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in skin wound of rabbits and the histomorphological changes in the wound surface, and to discuss its mechanism.目的:通过观察创面修复过程中创面的组织学变化、创面愈合率以及碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)的表达,探讨紫草油剂促进创面愈合的可能机制。

【中文名】: 紫草—新疆紫草 【类 别】: 根类 【英文名】: Arnebia Root 【别 名】: 软紫草。 【来 源】: 为紫草科植物新疆紫草Arnebia euchr0ma(Royle) Johnst.的根。 【采 制】: 春、秋季采挖,晒干或微火烘干。 【性 味】: 根呈不规则的长圆柱形,多扭曲,长7~20cm,直径1~2·5cm。表面紫红色或紫褐色,皮部疏松,呈条片状,常10余层重叠,易剥落。顶端有的可见分歧的茎残基。体轻,质松软,易折断,断面不整齐,黄白色或黄色。气特异,味微苦、涩。 【植物形态】: 多年生草本,高15~35cm。全株被白色硬糙毛。根圆锥形,多扭曲,紫色栓皮多层。茎直立,单一或基部分成二歧。基生叶丛生,叶条状披针形,长约13cm,全缘,黄绿褐色;茎生叶互生,较少,短小 。花集结成聚伞花序,密生于茎顶,近于头状;苞片条状披针形;花无梗,花萼短筒状,5深裂;花冠紫色,长筒形漏斗状,管部与花萼裂片近于等长,先端5裂,裂片椭圆形,喉部与基部光滑;雄蕊5,着生于花冠管中部,花丝极短或无;子房4深裂,花柱细长,柱头球状。小坚果骨质,宽卵形,淡褐色,表面有疣状突起。花期6~8月,果期8~9月。 【生长地】: 生于山地阳坡草丛中。主产新疆、西藏。 【化学成份】: 含紫草素(shikonin)及其多种衍生物。 【功能主治】: 同紫草。