皮肤屏障,skin barrier
1)skin barrier皮肤屏障

1.Study on the Relationship between the Parameters of Skin Barrier Function and Anatomic-site, Skin Type;女性皮肤屏障功能相关参数与部位、皮肤类型的相关性研究
2.Application of Tritium Penetration Rate in the Evaluation of the Excised Skin Barrier Function氚的经皮渗透速率在离体皮肤屏障功能评价中的应用
3.Skin Barrier Function and Its Related Influential Factors in 160 Healthy Chinese160例中国人健康皮肤屏障功能与相关影响因素的研究
4.The Effects of the Clinical Efficacy of Method of Strengthing Spleen and Enriching Blood Eliminating Wind in Treatment of Chronic Atopic Dermatitis健脾养血祛风法治疗特应性皮炎临床疗效及对皮肤屏障功能的影响
5.Intact human skin function is a highly efficient barrier to the evaporative loss of water and heat.完整的皮肤是水和热的蒸发性丧失的高效屏障。
6.Healthy, skin, mucous membranes, and cilia are natural barriers to many viruses.健康的皮肤,粘膜和纤毛是许多病毒的天然屏障。
7.Study of Skin Immune Barrier on Expression of Cytokines in Mice by Cutaneous Penetration with rHu IFN-α 2b;rHu IFN-α 2b经皮干预小鼠细胞因子表达的皮肤免疫屏障研究
8.Skin Toxicity Effects of Common Disinfectants of Barrier Environment on Laboratory Animals屏障环境常用消毒剂对实验动物皮肤作用的毒性研究
9.The Applications of Phage-displayed peptide Library Technology on Improving Drug Permeability through Physiological Barrier噬菌体展示肽在促进药物透过皮肤和血脑屏障中的应用
10.The projection of skin-covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear.耳屏在外耳耳道前面的有皮肤覆盖的软骨突起
11.The Experimental Study of Yupingfeng San Impact on Aging Skin Immune Function玉屏风散对老化皮肤免疫功能影响的实验研究
12.A Comparative Study of Blood-brain Barrier and Blood-nerve Barrier Endothelial Cell Properties;血—脑屏障与血—神经屏障微血管内皮细胞的比较研究
13.Effect of Epidermic Barrier Function on Epidermic Proliferation in Murine Model of Subacute and Chronic Dermatitis表皮屏障功能与亚急性及慢性皮炎表皮增生相关性研究
14.The Experimental and Clinical Study on Modified Yupingfeng Granule in the Treatment of Allergic Skin Diseases;加味玉屏风颗粒应用于变态反应性皮肤病的实验及临床研究
15.Yupingfeng San impact the rat photoageing skin of HYP content,LC number and morphology玉屏风散对大鼠光老化皮肤HYP含量、LC数量及形态的影响
16.Effects of Glucose on Barrier and Active Transportation of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium;高糖对视网膜色素上皮屏障与转运功能的影响
17.Study on Pharmacokinetics of Paeonol Influnced by Borneol and the Distribution of Paeonol in Mice;冰片对丹皮酚药代动力学及透血脑屏障的影响
18.Effect of Quercetin on Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Rats槲皮素对胶质瘤大鼠血脑屏障通透性的影响

skin barrier function皮肤屏障功能
1.ObjectiveTo observe the clinical efficacy of modified Wuhua Decoction(WHD) on corticosteroid addictive dermatitis(CsAD) and in improving patients′ facial skin barrier function.目的研究加减五花汤治疗面部糖皮质激素依赖性皮炎的临床疗效及对面部皮肤屏障功能的改善作用。
2.The skin barrier function was estimated by the change of tritium penetration rate as the index.采用液体闪烁法测定氚的经皮渗透行为,以氚经皮渗透速率的变化作为离体皮肤屏障功能的评价指标。
3)Skin barrier and moisturize皮肤屏障与保湿
4)epithelial barrier上皮屏障
1.This is a process of transcytosis by FcRn through which maternal IgG is transported across epithelial barriers.IgG是初乳中含量最丰富的免疫球蛋白成分,哺乳动物新生儿的免疫力主要依赖于从母体获得IgG,而母源IgG向乳汁中的分泌以及被新生儿摄取均需要穿越上皮屏障,这一过程就是FcRn的胞转作用。
5)endothelial barrier内皮屏障
6)Epidermal barrier表皮屏障

皮肤黏膜屏障作用皮肤黏膜屏障作用barrier action of mucocutaneous〖JP〗 健康完整的皮肤与黏膜、鼻孔中的鼻毛、呼吸道黏膜表面的黏液和纤毛均能阻挡并排除微生物;皮肤和黏膜经常分泌多种杀菌物质;皮肤、黏膜上的正常菌群有益于自身且对一些病原体有拮抗作用,从而保障机体健康。在小儿,由于表皮角质层较薄及皮脂分泌不足,易患癣症和损伤后引发全身性感染;无鼻毛、呼吸道黏膜柔软、表面黏液分泌较少及纤毛运动差,易患感染特别是肺炎;肠黏膜薄而总吸收面积大,但通透性较高,易患变态反应性疾病和引发全身性感染;皮肤、黏膜表面正常菌群脆弱,若长期大量应用广谱抗生素,易致菌群交替症或二重感染。