真菌病/药物疗法,Mycoses/drug therapy
1)Mycoses/drug therapy真菌病/药物疗法
2)fungaldrug therapy真菌性/药物疗法
3)Sporotri-chosis/drug therpy孢子丝菌病/药物疗法
5)Antifungal agents therapy抗真菌药物治疗

1.Advances in research on therapeutic drug monitoring of triazole antifungal agents三唑类抗真菌药物治疗药物监测的研究进展
2.Therapeutic alliance of anti-fungal agents and conjunctival flap surgery on severe fungal corneal ulcer抗真菌药物联合结膜瓣覆盖治疗重度真菌性角膜溃疡
3.Efficacy of three antifungal agents in treatment of onychomycosis三种常见抗真菌药口服治疗甲真菌病疗效观察
4.Pathogenic species of candida in vulvovaginal candidiasis and effect of azoles against candidiasis阴道念珠菌病的致病菌及抗真菌药物疗效观察
5.RESULTS The incidence of antibiotic use was 98%,31% of which was intended for active treatment,and 69% for preventive regimen;结果抗菌药物使用率98%,治疗用药31%,预防用药69%;
6.Experience of drug treatment in 36 cases of fungal corneal ulcer36例真菌性角膜溃疡药物治疗的体会
7.The Development in Research of Combination Antifungal Therapy of Invasive Fungal Infection深部真菌感染药物联合治疗研究进展
8.Nosocomial fungus infections:a clinical medicine application analysis of 453 cases453例院内真菌感染致病菌分布及药物治疗分析
9.The Analysis of Efficacy of Drug and Surgery for Treatment of Fungal Corneal Ulcer;药物和手术治疗真菌性角膜溃疡的疗效分析
10.an antibiotic and antifungal agent.抗生素和抗真菌药物混合而成的药物。
11.A Five-year Analysis of Antibiotic Therapy on Neonatal Sepsis at Children's Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai,China新生儿败血症细菌耐药性和抗菌药物治疗5年的回顾性分析
12.Correlation Between Antibiotic Resistance and Consumption of Antimicrobials and Countermeasures for Clinical Treatment细菌耐药率与抗菌药物用量相关性分析及临床治疗对策
13.Susceptibility Test and Antibacterial Drug Therapy of Burkholderia Cepacia in Our Hospital in 2007我院2007年洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的药敏试验结果和抗菌药物治疗分析
14.Quinolones is main drug to treat bacillary dysentery.喹诺酮类抗生素是目前治疗菌痢的主要药物。
15.Utilization of Antibacterials in the Treatment of Children with Pneumonia儿童肺炎治疗中抗菌药物使用情况调查分析
16.medications that are toxic to fungi are often just as toxic to humans.因此,治疗真菌的药物经常对人类同样有毒性。
17.combine antituberculotic medicatio联合抗结核药物治疗
18.The Normative Exploratory Development of Antibiotic Drug in Treating Fish Bacteriaotic Diseases抗菌素类药物在鱼类细菌性疾病治疗中的规范应用研究

fungaldrug therapy真菌性/药物疗法
3)Sporotri-chosis/drug therpy孢子丝菌病/药物疗法
5)Antifungal agents therapy抗真菌药物治疗
6)FUNGI/TCD therapy真菌/中药疗法

白喉病药物新疗法白喉病药物新疗法  白喉专著。不分卷。黄省三撰。共分10章。顺序为绪论、流行病学、病因学、病理解剖学、症状、并发症、鉴别诊断、预后、预防和疗法。作者根据西医之新说,研究中药之效能,并据个人诊疗经验,撰成此书。1951年由中华书局出版排印本。