疣状肢端角化症,acrokeratosis verruciformis
1)acrokeratosis verruciformis疣状肢端角化症
1.Clinical and histopathological characteristics of acrokeratosis verruciformis;疣状肢端角化症的临床及病理特点研究

1.Clinical and histopathological characteristics of acrokeratosis verruciformis疣状肢端角化症的临床及病理特点研究
2."Symptoms include severe Breathlessness, weight loss, Bluish skin, chest tightness, and wheezing."临床症状如用力时气急、体重减轻、肢端肿胀、紫绀、胸闷,常有喘鸣。
3.The Study on Correlation of Morphologic Varieties in Deep Venous of Lower Extremities and Primary Deep Venous Valva Insufficiency;下肢深静脉形态学变化与PDVI临床症状研究
4.Changes of the glucose tolerance and insulin releasing in patients with acromegaly and diatetic acromegaly∥Li Sheli ,Shi Bingying肢端肥大症及其继发糖尿病患者糖耐量-胰岛素释放变化
5.Clinical analysis of treatment of 79 cases with acromegaly肢端肥大症患者79例临床治疗分析
6.The condition resulting from an excess of pituitary hormones, characterized by gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults.垂体机能过剩症垂体荷尔蒙过度引起的状态,特征是小孩巨大畸形,成人患肢端肥大病
7.Investigation on Vascular Endothelial Function and Prethrombotic State of the Low-Extremity Atherosclerosis Disease in the Elderly;老年下肢动脉硬化症血管内皮功能及血栓前状态初步研究
8.Covered with warts or wartlike projections.多疣的覆有疣或疣状突起的
9.High prevalence of hyperplastic colonic polyps in acromegalic subjects肢端肥大症患者增生性结肠息肉的高度流行
10.Integrated Therapy of Acromegaly (Clinical Analysis of 43 Acromegaly);肢端肥大症的综合治疗(附43例临床分析)
11.All 131 Patients with verruca planae ,filiform warts,verruca valgaris and molluscum contagiosum were treated with acetic acid cream.用消疣灵局部外用治疗扁平疣、丝状疣、灵常疣、传染性软疣等131例。
12.126 cases with pituitary GH adenomas presenting symptoms and signs of acromegaly or gigantism were reported.本文报道垂体生长激素腺瘤126冽,均有肢端肥大症或巨人症的表现。
13.A chela or similar pincerlike structure on the end of a limb of a crustacean or other arthropod.钳,螯甲壳类动物或其他节肢动物肢端的螯或相似的钳状构造
14.Because schizophrenia's symptoms vary so greatly, many investigators believe that multiple factors probably cause the syndrome.由于精神分裂症状变化甚钜,许多研究人员相信其成因不止一端。
15.Relationship between dyspeptic symptoms and proximal stomach function in diabetic patients糖尿病消化不良患者症状及其与近端胃功能的关系
16.The Observation of Surgical Treatment in Lower Extremities Arteriosclerosis Obliterans下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的外科治疗观察
17.Endovascular Treatment of Arteriosclerosis Occlusive Disease介入治疗下肢动脉硬化性闭塞症30例
18.Nematocyst warts on the small tentacles become stick from conical,and the shape of gonads changes triangular pocket-like from grain-like to small vesica.小触手刺丝囊疣从乳突状变为棒状; 生殖腺形状从米粒状变为小囊状、三角囊袋状.

3)acrokeratoelastoidosis (AKE)肢端角化性弹性组织角化症
1.Advances in Medical Treatment for Acromegaly;肢端肥大症的药物治疗进展
2.Anesthetic management and complications in pituitary adenoma patients with acromegaly;合并肢端肥大症的垂体腺瘤患者麻醉管理及并发症
3.Integrated Therapy of Acromegaly (Clinical Analysis of 43 Acromegaly);肢端肥大症的综合治疗(附43例临床分析)

肢端发绀症肢端发绀症 病因未明,发病特点为四肢肢端冷感和发绀。多见于年轻女性。病变常累及双手,表现为四肢末端,持续的、均匀的发绀可出现于整个手部与腕部甚至背部、寒冷,暴露于冷空气中可使症状加重,但温暖环境常不能使之减轻或消失,伴手指肿胀、僵硬感、手心多汗。未见有溃疡或坏疽形成。治疗可应用血管扩张剂。