手足皲裂症,rhagadia manus et pedis
1)rhagadia manus et pedis手足皲裂症
1.A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of lactic acid compound ointment in the treatment of rhagadia manus et pedis;复方乳酸软膏治疗手足皲裂症临床研究
2)rhagadia manus et pedis手足皲裂

1.The Clinical and Experimental Research of Shuang Hong Cream Cure Rhagadia of Hand and Foot双红膏治疗手足皲裂的临床及实验研究
2.Treatment of Chronic Plamoplantar Eczema Craquel with Di Yin Pian in Combination with Topical Glucocorticoid迪银片联合外用糖皮质激素治疗慢性手足皲裂性湿疹
3.Observation on Therapeutie Effects of Rhagadia Eczema Manus and Pedalis Combined with Chinese Medicine and Compound Tuncissong Ruanao.中药浸泡联合复方氟米松软膏治疗手足皲裂性湿疹的疗效观察
4.hands and face chapped by the cold因寒冷而皲裂的手和脸.
5.My mother's hands chapped in cold weather.我母亲的双手在冷天皲裂。
6.Foot guard essence: It contains bio-grease, VE, VB and the other active factors. It can repair xerosis cutis, whiten and protect skin.护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、vb等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。
7.The headwind chapped the cyclist's lips.骑车人的双唇因顶风而皲裂了
8.It have a special effect in prevent the skin from is chapped and senile.它是具有防止皮肤皲裂和衰老的特效。
9.My lips chap in this dry weather.在这种干燥的气候下,我的嘴唇皲裂了。
10.Cold weather chaps his skin.寒冷的天气使他皮肤皲裂。
12.A sore roughening or splitting of the skin, caused especially by cold or exposure.干裂皮肤因寒冷或暴露而产生的皲裂或粗糙引起的疼痛
13.A chapped or inflamed area on the skin, especially on the heel, resulting from exposure to cold;an ulcerated chillblain.冻疮皮肤(尤指踵部)上由于受冻而引起的皲裂或发炎的部分;冻的脓疱溃烂
14."Diarrhea usually alternates with constipation, along with mouth and tongue inflammation and cracking and dry scaling of the lips."胃肠道症状通常为便秘与腹泻交替,伴有口、舌发炎,唇与口角皲裂并有鳞屑。
15.Mapping and Analysis of Disease Gene for Two Chinese Pedigree with Hand and Foot Malformation两个中国人手足裂畸形家系致病位点的定位和分析
16.Surgical correction of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to the repairment of congenital cleft palate先天性腭裂术后继发重度上颌骨发育不足畸形的手术矫治
17.Surgery can prevent rupture or dissection, but the operation to replace the aorta is very serious and as invasive as procedures get.手术可以避免动脉瘤破裂及剥离,但以手术更换主动脉是非常严重且侵入性十足的做法。
18.a veriest tyro[美]【体】十足的生手

rhagadia manus et pedis手足皲裂
4)hands raw with cold因寒冷而皲裂的手
5)Cracked nipple乳头皲裂
6)lip chapping嘴唇皲裂

手足皲裂  手足皮肤的干燥和开裂。多发生在角质层厚及经常受到摩擦和压力的部位,如手掌、手指屈侧和足跟、足趾外侧等。多发生于寒冷季节。轻者仅表现为皮肤的干燥及龟裂,可无自觉不适,此时裂口仅在表皮。当裂口深达真皮及皮下组织时,易发生出血,具有自觉疼痛。手掌及足跖的角质层较厚,而且没有皮脂腺,皮肤表面缺乏皮脂的保护。摩擦、皮炎、癣菌感染等各种原因使角质层增厚时,皮肤的韧性及弹性减低,加之冬季出汗少,角质层内含水量减少,皮肤变得干燥,此时掌跖部皮肤若受到牵扯或压力就易发生干裂。本病的治疗是使角层内含有一定的水分,恢复其韧性,并去除过度增厚的角质层。可先将手足在热水中浸泡,用刀片削去增厚的角质层,然后外用10~20%尿素软膏、0.1%维生素A酸软膏等。用胶布贴于裂口处可防止裂口进一步加深,并有促进愈合的作用。预防复发的关键在于对原有皮肤病的治疗,消除引起角质层过度增厚的各种内外因素。如有继发感染,应用抗菌药物。