恶性萎缩性丘疹病,Malignant atrophic papulosis
1)Malignant atrophic papulosis恶性萎缩性丘疹病
1.Malignant atrophic papulosis: an autopsy report and review of l iterature;恶性萎缩性丘疹病尸检1例并文献复习

1.Nursing of a patient with malignant atrophic papulosis complicated by ileal perforation恶性萎缩性丘疹病合并回肠穿孔患者的护理
2.Degos' disease:A case report and review of literature恶性萎缩性丘疹病并发肠穿孔1例并文献综述
3.The primary lesions consist of purpuric papules which undergo superficial ulceration, followed by the development of irregular atrophic scars.其初期的病灶为紫斑性丘疹,进而形成表浅之溃疡,而后形成不规则状萎缩性疤痕。
4.syphilitic spinal muscular atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩
5.wasting of the body during a chronic disease.慢性病引起的身体萎缩。
6.poikiloderma atropbicans vasculare血管萎缩性皮肤异色病
7.hic muscular atrophy杜-阿二氏病;脊髓病性肌萎缩;脊髓性进行性肌萎缩
8.poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare血管性萎缩性皮肤异色病
9.Treatment of drug eruption of epidermolysis bullosa with high-power photon therapeutic device in one case高光功率光子治疗仪治疗大疱性表皮松解萎缩坏死型药疹1例
10.Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect on precancerous lesion of chronic atrophic gastritis treated by Wei Wei Decoction.目的:观察胃萎汤治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎癌前病变的临床疗效。
11.Study on expression of heat shock protein 70 in chronic atrophic gastritis with precancerous lesion慢性萎缩性胃炎伴癌前病变时HSP70表达的研究
12.Control study on pathologic and endoscopic characteristics of chronic atrophic gastritis for sinus ventriculi慢性萎缩性胃炎胃窦病理与内镜表现对照研究
13.infectious swine atrophic rhinitis猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎
14.progressive spinal muscular atrophy脊髓性进行性肌萎缩
15.parametritis chronica atrophicans慢性萎缩性子宫旁炎
16.progressive idiopathic atrophod erma进行性特发性皮萎缩
17.essential progressive atrophy of iris原发性进行性虹膜萎缩
18.itis lichenoides chronica atrophicans慢性萎缩性苔癣样皮炎

atrophic papulosis萎缩性丘疹病
1.Malignant atrophic papulosis accompanying intestinal perforation: a case report;恶性萎缩性丘疹病伴肠穿孔1例
3)pathologic atrophy病理性萎缩
4)myopathic atrophy肌病性萎缩

丘疹    丘疹  papule  限局性、实性、隆起损害,直径一般<0.5cm,表面可扁平(如扁平疣),可圆形(如传染性软疣)或乳头状(如寻常疣)。丘疹可呈各种不同颜色,有助于诊断。如扁平苔藓的紫红色、黄色瘤的淡黄色、色素痣的黑褐色等。丘疹可由炎症引起,如早期毛囊炎的丘疹呈淡红色。代谢产物沉积引起的眼睑黄斑瘤呈淡黄色,经久不消。维生素A缺乏可引起因毛囊口角质增厚形成的顶部尖锐的角栓。