龙海市,Longhai city
1)Longhai city龙海市
1.Discussion on Problems in Water Resources Management for Longhai City;对龙海市水资源管理中一些问题的探讨
2.Optimization of cropping structure of better quality, higher yield and greater efficiency of paddy field in Longhai City, Fujian Province;福建省龙海市稻田高产优质高效种植结构的优化
3.Sea Area Use Analysis of Longhai City on Account of GIS;基于GIS的龙海市海域使用现状分析

1.Sea Area Use Analysis of Longhai City on Account of GIS;基于GIS的龙海市海域使用现状分析
2.The Studies of Farmland Grading in Longhai Base on GIS;GIS支持下的龙海市农用地分等研究
3.Development of export-oriented agricultural ecological economics in the Longhai city;龙海市外向型农业生态经济发展研究
4.Study on the Evaluation Methods of the Basic Land Price of Cultivated Land in LongHai Based on GIS;GIS支持下的龙海市耕地基准地价评估方法研究
5.Problems of development status and existing of manufacturing industry in Longhai city;龙海市制造业发展现状与存在的主要问题
6.Practice of institutional reform of water project management in Longhai City and lessons learned;龙海市水利工程管理体制改革实践与启示
7.Dynamic Monitoring of Land Use Change in Longhai County Based on Remote Sensing and Thematic Research;基于遥感的龙海市土地利用变化动态监测与专题研究
8.Scale Effect Analysis of Driving Forces of Land-use Patterns in Longhai City of Fujian Province;福建省龙海市土地利用空间分布影响因子的尺度效应分析
9.Excavation of Royal Family Tombs of Bohai at Longhai in Helong City,Jilin吉林和龙市龙海渤海王室墓葬发掘简报
10.Wenzhou Longwan Haicheng Saite Sanitaryware Factory温州市龙湾海城赛特洁具厂
11.Reuse Project of Reclaimed Water from Shanghai Bailonggang Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant上海市白龙港城市污水处理厂中水回用工程
12.On the Exploration and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones--As Example for Coastal Zones in the City of Longkou;论海岸带开发与海岸带综合管理——以龙口市海岸带为例
13.Study on Key-techniques of Coastal Shelter Forests Building in Longkou of Shandong Province;山东省龙口市沿海防护林建设关键技术研究
14.Time serial change of grain yield and its impact factors in Hailun,Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江海伦市粮食产量稳定性影响因素分析
15.Survey of nutritional status of primary school pupils in rural areas of Longhua District,Haikou City in 2007;海口市龙华区2007年农村中小学生营养状况调查
16.Discussion on the Street trees in Hailin city of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省海林市行道树选择及应用探讨
17.Heilongjiang Hailin Farm Stevioside Factory黑龙江海林农场甜菊糖甙厂(营业部珠海市鸿政发展有限公司)
18.Holiday Inn Resort Yalong Bay, Sanya is located on the most popular Chinese beach resort in Yalong Bay, Sanya, Hainan Island.三亚亚龙湾假日度假酒店地处中国最著名的度假海滩—海南岛三亚市亚龙湾度假区。

LongHai County龙海市
1.Dynamic Monitoring of Land Use Change in Longhai County Based on Remote Sensing and Thematic Research;基于遥感的龙海市土地利用变化动态监测与专题研究
1.Practice of institutional reform of water project management in Longhai City and lessons learned;龙海市水利工程管理体制改革实践与启示
5)Wenzhou Longwan Haicheng Saite Sanitaryware Factory温州市龙湾海城赛特洁具厂
6)Longyan city龙岩市
1.Cultivation of contemporary individuality by inheriting traditional features:Taking Longyan city layout of newly developed area as an example;延续传统特色 培育时代个性——龙岩市新区城市设计实践
2.On protection of the forest resources in Longyan city and their resonable wtilization;龙岩市森林资源保护与合理利用问题探讨
3.Present Situation,Cause and Control Countermeasure of Forest Disease and Insect Pest Occurrence in Longyan City;龙岩市森林病虫害发生的现状、成因及防治对策
