疾病感知,illness perception
1)illness perception疾病感知
1.The first part analyzed the patients\' illness perception and their medical coping style, using stepwise regression analysis to explore the relationship that exists.基于此,本研究首先引进了在国外研究中运用较为成熟的《疾病感知问卷,IPQ-R》及《银屑病生活应激问卷,PLSI》,验证其信效度指标及其在我国银屑病患者中的适用性,并以此为研究工具开展研究。

1.Illness Perceptions, Coping and Life Stress in Psoriasis Patients: Assessment and Stress Intervention银屑病患者的疾病感知和应激、应对
2.Cognition State of Clinical Nurses about Hepatitis B非感染科临床护士乙型肝炎疾病知识的认知状况调查
3.Studies on Illness Perception and Neuropsychology of Patients with Chronic HBV Infection;慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染者疾病认知与神经心理学研究
4.Prevention and Treatment of Oral Infective Diseases in Diabetic Patients:Effect of Education糖尿病患者口腔感染性疾病的防治知识教育干预调查
5.Infected or attacked, as by disease.受疾病侵袭的被疾病感染或侵害的
6.become infected with(an illness)感染上,传染上(疾病)
7.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病
8.The illness made him feel languid.疾病使他感到倦怠乏力。
9.Arafat had been sick with an unknown illness that had been variously described as the flu, a stomach virus or gallstones.阿拉法特一直身患某种不知名的疾病,关于他的症状有多种描述:流感、胃病毒感染和胆结石等。
10.Heart disease a leading killer, and there isn't a sen-tient American who doesnt know this on some level.心脏病是第 一致命疾病,每个有感知的美国人都在某种程度上了 解此事。
11.The first known outbreak of Legionnaires' disease was in Philadelphia, USA, in1976.军团病已知的首次爆发是在发是1976年美国费城,221人感染疾病,其中死亡34人。
12.Cognitive study on relevant knowledge of patients with IgA nephropathy对IgA肾病病人疾病相关知识的认知调查
13.The region of a localized bodily infection or disease.病症疾病集中或感染的主要部位
14.Study on prevalence and disease burden of infectious diarrhea in Guangxi广西感染性腹泻发病及疾病负担分析
15.A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause.心肌病一种心肌疾病,尤指病因未知或难解的心肌疾病
16.For the cumulative impact of se ory, cognitive or decisional overstimulation, creates sickne in our midst.因为在感觉、知觉、和抉择上日积月累的超刺激的冲击,已经在我们中间酿成了疾病。
17.Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by TYPE A flu virus.禽流感是由A型流感病毒引起的传染性疾病。
18."cardiomyopathy:a disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause."心肌病:一种心肌疾病,尤指病因未知或难解的心肌疾

illness perception questionnaire疾病感知问卷
3)disease knowledge疾病知识
1.Effect of health education on the status of mastering disease knowledge in patients with acute myocardial infarction健康教育对提高急性心肌梗死患者疾病知识认知的影响
1.Studies on Illness Perception and Neuropsychology of Patients with Chronic HBV Infection;慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染者疾病认知与神经心理学研究
5)exopathogenic disease外感疾病
6)Infection diseases感染疾病

动作感知动作感知sensation and perception of action  动作感知(。ensation and Poreeption ofaction)在体育运动活动中人脑对体育动作或运动情境的直接反应。如看到体操动作、球类竞赛场面,知觉到自己跑跳时动作的力量、幅度、方向等。动作感知分为外部感知与内部感知。外部感知是通过视、听、触等外感官所接受的有关技能的外部结构特点的信息输入:内部感知是在外部感知的基础上由肌梭、肌膜、关节感觉末梢和前庭器官毛细胞等感受器接受自身动作刺激,人脑对活动方向、位置、用力、灵活柔韧等信息的直接反应。前者亦称客体运动感知,后者则称主体运动感知。动作感知是形成运动表象、掌握运动知识、形成运动技能的基础。不同运动项目所需动作感知觉成分不同,通过训练可使与某专项要求相一致的感知觉成分高度分化发展,即形成专门化知觉。 (刘淑思撰谢三才审)